29 Topics

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Member Avatar for giancan

Dear All, I have a very long list of values as follow (43, 560) (516, 1533) (1316, 3047) (520, 1528) (3563, 1316) (45, 557) (3562, 1312) (2686, 1964) (2424, 3340) (3559, 1317) (50, 561) (2427, 3336) (1313, 3046) (3562, 1313) (3559, 1318) (2689, 1962) (2429, 3339) (3721, 2585) (1317, 3048) …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos

Raffle function to generate unique numbers for each player, related to the same table with a recursive aproach. I had to do a simple raffle system for a contest that I was working on and tried many things and the most simple and the most effective one to generate unique …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Mike_H

I have a mysql database that includes the fields first_name, last_name, email. I have an input form to enter in the above information. If the e-mail address already exists, then I have a message page that lets the user know this and display the first and last name that already …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for amith_ami
Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for thebloodycoon

I read several topics similar to what I'm asking, but none of them seemed to be very helpful to me. I have a form where users can generate codes that are stored in a column with a Unique constraint. The codes are strings with length of 7 characters. The users …

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for daniel36

I have a table with columns id,month,year,user_name,...etc in this table i want to make month,year and username unique.is it possible?IF it is ,please tell me, i required.

Member Avatar for daniel36
Member Avatar for pipelian

Hi, i have been trying to combine data from 2 different sources, to make unique rows: here it is my situation Data in DGV already in dgv, Unbound: column1 | Qty "Sugar", 100 "Salt", 100 "Color", 200 "Malto", 150 Data in datatable: column1 | Qty "Sugar", 80 "Salt", 60 "Apio", …

Member Avatar for jonsan32

I'm trying to get random images to display onto four different cells with their corresponding links in place. All that's happenning is one random image is chosen and displayed throughout. Is there a way to pull 4 images from the given list and display them randomly instead? **Thanks a bunch …

Member Avatar for jonsan32
Member Avatar for Hypalink

Hi guys, im trying to find out the best way to set a unique session variable. Normally I would use a "username", but this project does not need a login script or users table. Whats the best way to create a unique session so that I can echo out the …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for rfrapp

Hello, I am trying to fill an array with 20 unique random values between 1 and 60. I know what I need to do to get this to work, but I'm not sure how to do it. Here's what I've got: void fillArray( int arr[], int size) { int arr2[20]; …

Member Avatar for RainbowMatrix
Member Avatar for userIT

Given a 7x4 array generate four random numbers from the array with no repetition. I can already generate four random numbers the problem is the repetition part. Here's my code so far int f[4]; int s[4]; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // use as index for …

Member Avatar for userIT
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I want to generate a unique id but stuck at one point where I need a max 10char long output like A2987F2EWS, 234EGT56GT..... unlike SHA1 or MD5 so human can read it. Code is below but the better way is accaptable by me though. Thanks $mysql_id = 1; $mysql_id_padded …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for ruen

Hey everyone, I'm a graphic designer about to undertake a project and need some good answers and advice. I'm currently building an online store that will have approximately 200+ products. As this is a wholesale company, only those who are members will be able to buy. So a customer login …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ruen

Hey everyone, I think this is the appropriate place for this posting. I'm a graphic designer about to undertake a project and need some good answers and advice. I'm currently building an online store that will have approximately 200+ products. As this is a wholesale company, only those who are …

Member Avatar for musicbox
Member Avatar for surferxo3

I have the following input and my program is not running: 1 3 2 1 3 7 8 [CODE] #include<iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main() { int arr[7], min, i=0, j=0; for(int i=0; i<7; i++) { cout<<"Enter value at arr["<<i<<"]: "; cin>>arr[i]; } min = arr[j]; for(; i<7; …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for 54uydf

my table has 2 fields, both are Keys. I save similar items in that table , like if 2 items are similar but have different Ids (in another table) I use this table to know that they are similar. so if items 1111, 1112 are the same and 1000,1002,1004 are …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for iswariak

1. I want to take unique district values from the below xml. How to do it in XPATH? 2. I want to take unique taluk values and district name="xyz". what is the xpath expression? XML structure: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <imageData> <row> <slno>1</slno> <sitecode>001</sitecode> <sitename>Mel Sittamur</sitename> <photono>001_001_001.jpg</photono> <photodate>07-09-2008</photodate> <district>Villupuram</district> <taluk>Senji</taluk> <monument><![CDATA[Jain …

Member Avatar for zaibi403
Member Avatar for solomon_13000

I have an abstract class and two sub classes. Can asp.net ensure that each subclass has a unique ID when a record is created. For example: [CODE] Sub Class #1 1 3 Sub Class #2 2 4 [/CODE] Your help is kindly appreciated. Thank You.

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for djjavo

For my user system, I require each user to have a unique id. The reading in and saving of the user data is all done, but now I'm focusing on adding new users. In my add user dialog, I have the information fields required to create a new user, one …

Member Avatar for djjavo
Member Avatar for peterpa

friends i want to create a array which contain no of unique key , it also need store in mysql database , which i have done on my wamp server but when i m running this code on web server online i getting that my page will hangup .......so please …

Member Avatar for divyakrishnan
Member Avatar for masterofpuppets

Hey guys, Here's the problem I have: I am writing a server application in Java using the ServerSocket and Socket classes. I have an instance of ServerSocket which listens for connection and accepts them. The server runs a website that requires users to log in using an e-mail and a …

Member Avatar for masterofpuppets
Member Avatar for sanjeevkmr123

I have achieved so many keyword for my website but there is no more unique visitors so anybody please suggest me that how to get more and more unique visitors on my website.

Member Avatar for Chronister
Member Avatar for jrotunda85

I am creating a login script and I need to check that the username and e-mail don't current exist in the database otherwise it will print an error. I've tried the following but it's not working: [CODE=php]//Create Username Array $SQL = "SELECT Username from user" $Result = mysql_query($SQL); $Array = …

Member Avatar for Javvy
Member Avatar for SachinGK

Hi All , I am Building a Ad System for my website based on PPC. So My Question is PPC Means [B]Pay Per Unique Click[/B] or [B]Pay Per Click[/B]. How should i calculate the PPC for the following ? Say No of Clicks is 50 No of Unique Click is …

Member Avatar for webguy6

Hi all, I've been learning PHP and SQL slowly over the past couple of weeks for a project (so please be gentle!). I have a database, MEMBERS, as follows: [CODE] ID | Name | Job Title | Current Employer | State | Manager 1 | Joe Smith | Sample Title …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for Sandhya212

Hi, I would need to create unique filenames appended by the iteration number. For eg. [CODE]for( i=0;i<iterations;i++){ ofstream outfile("iterfile"+"i"); // i.e filename should be iterfile0 for 1st iteration. } [/CODE] I need to cast "i" from int to char so I tried [CODE]ofstream outfile("iterfile"+(char)i)[/CODE] but it did not work. How …

Member Avatar for Sandhya212
Member Avatar for zipgenius

Hello. I am using Delphi 2010 to build a small application that builds a very very simple database in CSV file format. I am using the Jcl and JVCL libraries (TJvCSVDataset, TJvDataSource and TJvDBGrid). I set up the fields ("Last Name", "First Name" and "Email"), where "Email" is the only …

Member Avatar for est69dog
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I have pasted my code below, please paste it into a JSP and tell me why it gives the error "Unterminated String Constant" [CODE] <html> <head> <title>Debugging</title> <script language="javascript"> function changeOn(object, objectId) { alert('in function'); if (object == 'bookingsButton') { alert('first if'); document.getElementById(objectId).src = 'Images/BookingsOn.png'; } else if (object …

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The End.