3 Topics

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Member Avatar for oscargrower11

I'm trying to do something simple like get calc.exe to start minimized, but it's not happening. import subprocess import win32gui import win32con info = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() info.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW info.wShowWindow = win32con.SW_SHOWMINIMIZED x = subprocess.Popen("calc.exe", startupinfo = info) It pops up the same as always, no matter what I provide for …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for oscargrower11

I've got an application that I call several times in a for loop using subprocess.call. Every time I call it, it starts minimized. I want it to be in a restored window. So what I've tried to do is get a handle on the window using win32gui.FindWindow. But in my …

Member Avatar for dilbert_here00

Hello All, I have a question on win32gui, how do I get the window ID corresponding to a window handle. I am able to get the window handle, class, caption using functions like "win32gui.GetWindowText", "win32gui.GetClassName" etc, but I can't find a function that returns the window ID for a particular …


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