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The most notorious of course is the quintessential "Marlboro man".
The first person to feature in their commercials died of lung cancer several years ago ;)

And, of course, there are those that die of lung cancer that never smoked, pardon the spelling, Barbara bel Geddes the other day. Wonder if she had the disease because of others, which would be a comment on another thread about freedom of expression in this forum...

I, for one, believe that smoking is not physically addicting. I think it is only a matter of the mind. Unfortunately, I have smoked off and on through my life, big mistake but enjoyable nevertheless. I quit a few months ago, hopefully for that last time. I experienced no negative loss whatsoever, either physical or mental. I just decided I was doing something stupid and decided to stop. When I finished the last cigarette, I haven´t picked up another one since, even though my wife still acts like a chimney!

I would advise anyone out there that enjoys the activity to do it seldom...

Smoking (or rather nicotine) IS physically addictive but to a lesser degree than the mental craving indeed.
That's why some people (those with strong minds) who smoke only very occasionally don't get seriously addicted.

Of course smoking isn't the only cause of lung cancer, but it is a main cause.

Jennings is just one less liberal in the world.

Smoking is the main cause of so many diseases ,not only lung cancer.persons who smoke occasionally are not that much affected but slowly they get addicted to this nasty habit.Every smoker need some quit smoking <snipped url> course to avoid smoking.

Bob Marley

Every smoker need some quit smoking course to avoid smoking.

I think it's too late for smokers to avoid smoking :)

I think it's too late for smokers to avoid smoking :)

Naw -- if I can do it after 42 years of heavy smoking then anyone can do it too. It just takes a lot of willpower and support from family/friends.

[edit]Ohhh. After rereading I think I understand you comment. Agreed -- its a contridiction to say that smokers can avoid smoking. You can't avoid something you already do :) [/edit]

Naw -- if I can do it after 42 years of heavy smoking then anyone can do it too.

I really hope you're right, because I'm going to quit in a few months after 8 years of smoking. Smoking will be banned from the bars/disco's/restaurants etc in July here in the Netherlands. So I thought that this would be an excellent excuse to quit smoking.

[edit]Ohhh. After rereading I think I understand you comment. Agreed -- its a contridiction to say that smokers can avoid smoking. You can't avoid something you already do :) [/edit]

Yep, that's what I meant :)

I really hope you're right, because I'm going to quit in a few months after 8 years of smoking. Smoking will be banned from the bars/disco's/restaurants etc in July here in the Netherlands. So I thought that this would be an excellent excuse to quit smoking.

Yes it will help you a lot. I used to chain smoke at my desk in my office until they banned smoking from office buildings. After that I had to sneek outside in all kings of weather to get a few puffs.

After a couple weeks or so without tobacco you will begin to see a huge difference in your life and you will be able to do things you couldn't do in many years, like working out at the gym or health club with relative ease.

>> I really hope you're right, because I'm going to quit in a few months after 8 years of smoking. Smoking will be banned from the bars/disco's/restaurants etc in July here in the Netherlands.

Another thing that came from Ireland! I think it was introduced here ... 4 or 5 years ago.
How's that going to work in your 'coffee shops', niek_e? Also why wait for a few months? Why not now?

Naw -- if I can do it after 42 years of heavy smoking then anyone can do it too. It just takes a lot of willpower and support from family/friends.

congradulations on giving up

in the UK smoking is banned in workplaces, indoors and public places like bus stops, train platforms

Also why wait for a few months? Why not now?

The smoking ban makes quiting just that little bit easier :)

How's that going to work in your 'coffee shops', niek_e?

That a big issue, because if you follow the new rules, smoking should actually be banned from the coffeeshops. This would cause a very a awkward situation, because where to smoke your weed when you can't smoke it in the coffeeshop?
Our government decided that banning smoking in coffeeshops would result in a lot of additional problems, so they've made an exception for coffee-shops. But it could very well be, that this exception is overruled by our next parliament..

After a couple weeks or so without tobacco you will begin to see a huge difference in your life and you will be able to do things you couldn't do in many years, like working out at the gym or health club with relative ease.

hmm, hmm, maybe I should start smoking just so I can work out with relative ease after I quit again :)

nah, don't think so ;)

You have to have been a smoker in order to understand my statement. And got God's sake don't start smoking just so you can find out what I meant :ooh: While I smoked running was a real difficult task and I was not able to sustain it for very long because of becomming winded and painful lungs. Now, my endurance has improved dramatically and can continue working out for at least an hour without stopping for very long. That wasn't possible when smoking.

Bob Marley


Wiki: In July 1977, Marley was found to have malignant melanoma in a soccer wound on his right hallux (big toe). Marley refused amputation, citing worries that the operation would affect his dancing, as well as the Rastafari belief that the body must be "whole":


Wiki: In July 1977, Marley was found to have malignant melanoma in a soccer wound on his right hallux (big toe). Marley refused amputation, citing worries that the operation would affect his dancing, as well as the Rastafari belief that the body must be "whole":

But...but that's melanoma! That means it's a cancer, so it must be smoking related! Everyone knows that smoking causes cancer!

But...but that's melanoma! That means it's a cancer, so it must be smoking related! Everyone knows that smoking causes cancer!

haha, my bad!

I wasn't serious AD. I've seen what smoking does to people, how many of them would rather die than stop smoking.

That wasn't possible when smoking.

It is quite possible, it depends on the person. Years ago after finishing a couple mile jog the first thing I did was light up. I get more winded these days because I don't exercise much.

smoking can cause any type of cancer

e.g lung cancer tends to lead to bowerl cancer. malignant tumors can break off (metastisis) and travel to different parts of the body. thats why removals e.g of cancerous breasts cut out a lot of healthy tissue, to be safe. therefore its possible smoking causes his toe skin cancer

...And cancers can be caused by things other than smoking.

"Celebrities Who Died From Smoking"
Tell y'all what. If anyone can produce a death certificate that lists the cause of death as "smoking", I'll believe that this title is completely unbiased. 'Til then, I'll take it as an unproven assertion.

(BTW, I am well aware that a correlation exists between smoking and certain diseases.)

...And cancers can be caused by things other than smoking.

"Celebrities Who Died From Smoking"
Tell y'all what. If anyone can produce a death certificate that lists the cause of death as "smoking", I'll believe that this title is completely unbiased. 'Til then, I'll take it as an unproven assertion.

(BTW, I am well aware that a correlation exists between smoking and certain diseases.)

Depends - does this include those who started smoking, then burst into full flame?

[Yes, I know that's a tired joke. I'm about to let it take a nap, I just thought I'd show it off one last time.]

I, for one, believe that smoking is not physically addicting. I think it is only a matter of the mind.

Right and wrong at the same time. It is physically addictive to the mind, altering the production and response to several neurotransmitters.

Withdrawal symptoms are relatively mild - mainly irritability, restlessness, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating - but they are very real and persistent for several days and up to weeks. Not surprising at all given that the brain is dealing with a substantial alteration in its normal (normal for a smoker that is) chemical balance.

On a slightly related note I decided to give up chocolate for the immediate future the other week. I wouldn't say I ever ate copious amounts of chocolate, but I've noticed a marked increase in chocolate-related dreams and desires for a sweet replacements...

My hat's off to you. What kind of chocolate are you giving up?

  • Chocolate candy bars like Hershey's?
    • Regular or King-Size bars of solid chocolate?
    • Dark Chocolate With Almonds?
    • Kit-Kat?
    • M&M's?
    • Cadbury's?
    • Krackel?
    • Mr. Goodbar?
    • Rolo?
    • Whatchamacallit?
    • York Peppermint Patties?
    • Reece's Peanut Butter Cups?
  • Chocolate ice cream?
  • Hot cocoa?
  • Chocolate cake?
  • Chocolate chip cookies?
  • Chocolate cupcakes?
  • Chocolate silk pie?

You must have a strong will. :icon_cheesygrin:

commented: *Shakes fist at you*, now +5

Right and wrong at the same time. It is physically addictive to the mind, altering the production and response to several neurotransmitters.

I believe you meant to say that it is physically addictive to the brain. The mind is not a physical structure, and therefore cannot become physically addicted to anything.

I believe you meant to say that it is physically addictive to the brain. The mind is not a physical structure, and therefore cannot become physically addicted to anything.

For practical purposes, yes, not getting into the whole brain/mind philosophical pondering.

the mind is a physical structure, its neurones
addiction works by inhibiting the binding sites of natural hormones.

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