Post your silly childhood phobias here!

mine is clowns.. There just so evil looking :twisted: with thier big, blood red smiles :p and flourescent hair. and the eyes!.. oh.. the eyes :eek: - they always used to make me scream :)

sorry for the excessive use fo smilies. i needed something to take my mind off the clowns... oh the clowns! :!:

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Post your silly childhood phobias here!

mine is clowns.. There just so evil looking :twisted: with thier big, blood red smiles :p and flourescent hair. and the eyes!.. oh.. the eyes :eek: - they always used to make me scream :)

sorry for the excessive use fo smilies. i needed something to take my mind off the clowns... oh the clowns! :!:

Well, I believe I have more phobias now than when I was a child. Life can do that to you (me) I guess. If I had any as a child I cannot recall now. The older I get the better and happier my childhood appears to me. :):confused: Good luck with your clown phobia. ;)

**EDIT: I just noticed that my reply to "Word Association Game", 'clowns', must have prompted your post about phobias. Interesting, and I apologize for unknowingly dredging up these childhood fears.

Matty D.


Thinking more about childhood phobias: I said that I cannot recall having phobias exactly, but I did have fears, one being a waterfall know as "Cumberland Falls"; this falls (pictured below) is in Kentucky (USA); it is a sort of tourist attraction I guess. I went there once with my parents as a child-- we lived a few hours North in Cincinnati, Ohio. We stood before the falls, my Father holding me in his arms. The falls raged before me like a massive, sliding green mountain-- I was horrified :surprised:sad:. I've thought about this many times over the years and tried to remember exactly how big and bad these falls were. Well, looking at the picture now at this age, not very impressive I must say. I guess it is all about perspective. I almost cried that day and I forced my parents to take me away from the area of the falls. It was a State park or something; there was a tacky, little gift shop that I ran to after leaving the falls viewing area. We went inside and I found a 2-foot cigar for sale-- kind of like a prop a clown might use, actually :). It was a joke gag (not a real cigar) I now realize, but I wanted my Dad to buy it as he smoked cigars and I thought he would really like to smoke this one. He just laughed and asked me if I wanted to go see the falls again :eek:. All I really remember clearly about that day was that cigar. I hated those ******* fall, though.

**EDIT: come to think of it, I had a phobia of water as a child and I still do to some extent. I really do not care for swimming, oceans, etc. I am not a water person. Most people in my country just love the beach-- I would rather be in the mountains-- Colorado, Vermont, New Mexico. I discover something new every day on Daniweb-- sometimes even about my own psychology.


Matty D.

i dont like the ebach as i think the seaweed is dragging me down and i have a fear of fish but i love pools

My Grandmother had a grand in-ground pool on her farm save for the fact that every time I went there with my family to swim in the Summer there were usually one-of-two things wrong with the scene: many times there would be huge Rat snakes (Black snakes) swimming on the bottom of the deep-end of the pool, skimming the bottom graceful and evil. My Father or my Uncle would have to reach in with a pool skimmer and flip them out into the woods like a catapault.:eek:

Or, I would see my Grandpa checking the pool filter. What was inside the filter? Dead birds. Baby Robins, Blue Jay hatchlings. Sad:sad: and creepy.

For this (and other reasons) I feared the pool-- I sensed something was just not right there... death. But, actually, I am quite a good swimmer although I did not learn to swim until I was at Boy Scout camp when I was 13. :rolleyes: Phobias.

Matty D.

Good greif, where do I start? I was terrified of the dark as a small child. When I turned the light off in my room I would switch my bedside one on first, so I could turn the light off only when I was safely in bed. I used to imagine the duvet as a monster trying to swallow me up, and possibly bogeymen under my bed. Whenever I went swimming I'd imagine a great big shark was in there with me, and I would twist and turn in the water constantly, keeping an eye out for it. And I recall a large purple blob, for some reason.

Yes, I was a very imaginative little boy...

The only actual phobia I have is a sort of modified heights. I've had that one as long as I can remember. I'm fine with tall buildings, so long as I don't make the mistake of looking down out of a window; I have no problems with airplanes, but if I'm on a building and look down toward the ground, I start to freak a bit. Fortunately, I've never managed to work myself into a panic on that. Otherwise, I'd probably have managed to toss myself off somehow.

And I don't like the dark. Never have. It's not exactly a fear, since I'm not really scared of it, but I prefer to have some kind of light source available.

I'd probably have managed to toss myself off somehow.

could be so easialy misconstrewed......

Heights, heights and heights.

Something to do with a fear that my specs would fall off and be lost forever, if I recall correctly.

Managed to cure this at age 17 by doing a parachute jump with the Paras at Aldershot (UK Army), 3000 feet, up in a training plane with a big hole in the side, no doors, and just jump out. Loved it, and did a number of other jumps after as a result. I still have my certificate from the paras saying I am officially a member of the Order of Flying Pigs (given to civilians that jump with them.)

thats cool
i live near alderhot as a matter of fact

best thing i ever did was go up in an RAF chinook at an odiham airshow

i was afraid of clowns, it's really scary!!! they have something evil in their happyness and laugh!! and i was afraid of big cars :)))

I still find Pennywise, the clown from IT (as featured in the photo earlier in the thread) deeply disturbing.

I don't think I really had any phobias as a child. Now that I am an adult, I have plenty. I have a few regular ones like water and heights. But, I also have a very severe fear of bugs. Spiders are the worst, but also most other creepy crawly creatures, including lady bugs and some flies. It's pretty bad - I'm actually considering trying hypnosis.

Never been afraid of clowns, though :)

i dont mind bugs but i hate those ones with pincers. we get them alot

I've been terrified of injection needles since I was about 6 years old.
I needed a lot of blood tests at that time (I was rather sickly as a child), and at several occasions the lab tech made mistakes causing severe pain (jabbing in the needle and digging around for a vein rather than finding a vein and then jabbing in the needle).

It's getting slightly better now, but until a few years ago I couldn't even look at someone getting an injection on television without fainting.

i had a similar problem with needles as when i was very young i had pnumonia but they thaught it was meningitis so i had to have a lumbar puncture :( I was getting better until quite recently when a trainee nurse kept stabbing me in the wrong place with the BCG needle

I never really minded needles. Never had a bad experience, I guess. I can't stand it when the dentist sticks the needle in the roof of your mouth, though. That hurts.

and the taste as well, oh no...

(shudder) i remember it well as i had to have a lot of teeth removed when i was younger

For some reason, needles in my arm don't terrify me. They hurt sometimes, and although I can't really say that like getting needles, I'm don't dread getting them.

However, needles in my mouth terrify me far more. For one thing, they hurt a lot more than needles in my arm. And for some reason, one needle is never enough. The dentist keeps saying "just one more..." and then he goes for another 3. :rolleyes:

Yup - once, they stuck me so many times that my eye went half numb :p

I don't think I really had any phobias as a child. Now that I am an adult, I have plenty. I have a few regular ones like water and heights. But, I also have a very severe fear of bugs. Spiders are the worst, but also most other creepy crawly creatures, including lady bugs and some flies. It's pretty bad - I'm actually considering trying hypnosis.

Never been afraid of clowns, though :)

heh, it's strange, they're awful, those clowns :) yeah, i was afraid of the water too, and till nowdays

who was it that said they were afraid of the dark?

i kinda was as i watched this program on tv when i was about 5 where this big snake was under this guys bed and it kinda tormented me for ages

Someone mentioned bugs. I really like bugs. If I find any in the house I will do all I can to catch them and put them outside-- especially spiders. Spiders are amazing creatures! Their design, form, and function are superb. When I lived in Texas though, while going to school for programming, we had scorpions; they would come in the house in the Summer during droughts looking for water. They were quite small, flat, and almost transluecent-amber. I was laying on my bedroom floor one evening reading a Python book and I saw one looking out from under the bed. It was not frightening yet I did not wish to deal with it directly. I went to my Uncle and told him. He came and crushed it with a shoe. They are almost blind. They just come at you slowly (detecting your heat, I assume) clipping with their little pinchers as if to scare you. They are really quite comical and harmless as they are not poisonous but they will sting if they get the chance.


cool, scorpions!

in england all we get are boring animals like badgers

cool, scorpions!

in england all we get are boring animals like badgers

You have badgers in England? I did not know that. I saw a television program a few years ago that talked about actual black panthers supposedly loose and living in the country-side somewhere in England; farmers swore to have spotted them and particular towns worried by this possibility contracted trackers and hunters to determine if it was true. It has never been proven as far as I know.

Someone mentioned bugs. I really like bugs. If I find any in the house I will do all I can to catch them and put them outside-- especially spiders. Spiders are amazing creatures! Their design, form, and function are superb. When I lived in Texas though, while going to school for programming, we had scorpions; they would come in the house in the Summer during droughts looking for water. They were quite small, flat, and almost transluecent-amber. I was laying on my bedroom floor one evening reading a Python book and I saw one looking out from under the bed. It was not frightening yet I did not wish to deal with it directly. I went to my Uncle and told him. He came and crushed it with a shoe. They are almost blind. They just come at you slowly (detecting your heat, I assume) clipping with their little pinchers as if to scare you. They are really quite comical and harmless as they are not poisonous but they will sting if they get the chance.


Yea, that was me mentioning bugs and just reading your post gave me the heeby jeebies. :sad: :)

My fear of bugs is so bad that I can't even crush them because that would mean that something that is touching me is also touching them. I can spray them with bug killer from a distance, but not alone. If I am home alone I call my sister before I do anything and she stays on the phone with me through the whole thing..

You have badgers in England? I did not know that. I saw a television program a few years ago that talked about actual black panthers supposedly loose and living in the country-side somewhere in England; farmers swore to have spotted them and particular towns worried by this possibility contracted trackers and hunters to determine if it was true. It has never been proven as far as I know.

yes we have badgers and both red and grey squirells and foxes also other cool animals like otters

the black panther thing is quite a common belief here

yes we have badgers and both red and grey squirells and foxes also other cool animals like otters

the black panther thing is quite a common belief here

Otters :cheesy: Cool-- I love otters! I would really like to have one as a pet some day if at all possible. I have two domesticated, Norwegian rats-- they're adorable, so very intelligent, and quite easy to care for. My favorite pet is the cat, though.

Peek-a-Boo (Blue), Sugars (Pink) & me


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