Let us know your favorite Christams movie. Mine is "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" with Chevy Chase and Randy Quaid. Love the decorations american style and the typical holiday stress.

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Home Alone i guess.....

hehe Home Alone is cool.

I vote Love Actually. Makes me feel delightfully lonely...

Miracle on 34th Street (the original version, not the updated piece of trash).

Miracle on 34th Street (the original version, not the updated piece of trash).

Dito, that one makes me feel real warm around the old heart. On the other hand I like Chevy Chase too, classic present day americana.

Its a wonderfull life!

elf (not my favorite, but i couldn't think of something else)

maybe the santa clause movie (1st one)

The Nightmare before Christmas.

Definitely not Santa Claus vs. The Martians

hehe Home Alone is cool.

I vote Love Actually. Makes me feel delightfully lonely...

I just saw your avatar - that is 3 times you have broken my heart <thwob,thwob>

elf (not my favorite, but i couldn't think of something else)

maybe the santa clause movie (1st one)

Yes, I like Tim Allen too -- very funny commedian, and he makes a good Santa.

In the US Santa Claus is jolly and comes down the chimney, despite the fact that he is overly obese and many homes lack a chimney. So a comedian is a good fit for the role.

He also gives out presents only, but in some countries Santa Claus gives out beatings and coal for the bad kids. Not a role for comedians.

He also gives out presents only, but in some countries Santa Claus gives out beatings and coal for the bad kids. Not a role for comedians.

Adam Sandler could pull that one off.

they always show war movies at christmas, like the great escape

How the Grinch stole Christmas. The live action one. One of the great ones from when I used to love Jim Carey

>How the Grinch stole Christmas. The live action one. One of the great ones from when I used to love Jim Carey

I like the cartoon one better, but they're still not my favorites.

Here in the USA the Hallmark Channel brings a lot of "made for TV" Christmas movies. Most of them pretty romantic stuff, but then I am a hopeless romantic anyway, despite my rough exterior.

I just saw your avatar - that is 3 times you have broken my heart <thwob,thwob>

haha, aww man i'm gonna miss you!

I really like Love Actually - been waiting for it to come on again, but I also love A Charlie Brown Chrismas

Santa Claus - The Movie

Other favorites:

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (stop-motion)

Miracle on 34th Street (the original)

White Christmas

>Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (stop-motion)

Heck yeah!

My Christmas tree looks a lot like the pathetic Charlie Brown Christmas tree in the movie.

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