xxxxxxxxxxxx has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.

How about saying this BEFORE I spend a good deal of time composing a message and not afterwards :(

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And how do you think DaniWeb should read your mind?

I click on "send PM to xxx"
How at that point is it not possible to figure out that sending a PM to xxx will fail?

> How at that point is it not possible to figure out that sending a PM
> to xxx will fail?

Technically, it's pretty much possible. I guess what you speak of is a default vBulletin behavior and hence remains that way. Though such things don't happen very often, it's but logical that such a check be in place.

How can the site tell you SOMEONE HAS PM DISABLED until you try and send it to them?

It's probably a field in a table in a database.... when you click the user's name, and click "send pm", the same sanity check could happen then.

Basically that would really bulk up the SQL query that fetches posts each time a thread is displayed and IMHO is unnecessary for the extra resources it would take.

>Basically that would really bulk up the SQL query that fetches posts
>each time a thread is displayed
Why would you need to query each time a thread is displayed? When I click "send a private message to cscgal", I go to the following link:

Why at that point (after I click on the link) can't the system let me know if the person specified in the link has disabled private messaging?

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