I want to report a possible issue/bug: I just replied to a post, went to look at a tutorial link, came back to the thread I had created/just replied to, and the reply I made was gone (This has happened before).

Basically, make a reply > leave page > return to page (Refresh page, perhaps) > reply is gone.

Thank you,

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All 24 Replies

Let me test that.

It appears to work fine for me.

Can you replicate this, MattyD?

I had the same issue this morning (more or less when mattyd reported the problem), I was posting my reply in the PHP forum, the page reloaded but my post was not there. At that moment I thought I erroneously reloaded the page. It was a simple message with a code example and maybe a link... dunno how to reply the issue, but in this specific case the thread was marked solved while I was writing... not sure this information can help.

I had the same problem earlier. This has happened often enough that I routinely copy my entire post into the clipboard before submitting. I also had another bug? that happened twice in the last hour.

Normal behaviour

Using Chrome, I click on a direct link to the vb.net forum. While the page is loading, the "busy" indicator in the tab spins. Once the page loads the spinning icon changes to the daniweb icon. I've noticed that if I scroll down and click on something (like Edit) before the page finishes loading I get taken back to the top of the page.

Today's odd behaviour

After the page finishes loading and I click on something (like Edit) I get taken back to the top of the page. Also, none of the drop down menus are populated (nothing drops down), so it appears that the page isn't completely loading.

After you posted your reply, did you immediately see your message show up? And then you refreshed the page and it was gone?

After you posted your reply, did you immediately see your message show up? And then you refreshed the page and it was gone?

In my case no, it never appeared and it just happened here with this reply.

I've noticed similar problems quite often, so I got into the habbit of refreshing the page after pressing the "Submit your Reply" button. If I don't sometimers the edit I just made disappears. Refreshing the page seems to solve the problem.

Did this problem just start happening recently or has it existed for many, many months or years? Trying to narrow it down :)

It has been happening probably every since you switch from vBulletin to this. I always thought it was just a normal behavior of the editor you use.

If no one tells me about these things, I have no idea they're happening :) I've never experienced this. I did recently make some changes to the way we connect to the database so I was thinking this was an artifact of that, but I guess not. We switched off vBulletin two years ago already.

So you thought a normal behavior of the editor is that you hit Submit and your post vanishes and doesn't get posted every so often? :)

I thought normal behavior was to hit Refresh after Submit. I seem to recall this behavior has been discussed before.

Yes, you need to hit refresh after submit for syntax highlighting for code snippets. The javascript that we use to add line numbers and color coding to code snippets only executes once at the beginning of page load, so modifications you make after that (such as posting) won't have it.

Outside of that, definitely not normal behavior to hit refresh after submit.

Pages aren't fully loading again. No dropdown menus until I refresh. It's happening consistently when I follow this link

Yes, that can happen if there's a glitch in downloading our javascript file. Because once it downloads once, it gets saved locally, if you have a corrupted version of it, nothing will work until you empty your cache. Obviously not a DaniWeb-specific thing. :)

Maybe this can be helpful: if I try to refresh the page, after a failed submit, like right now, the browser asks me if I really want to reload the page because it will resubmit the request. In practice I'm accessing the page with a POST request instead of GET.

I loaded Chrome Console and this is the screenshot:


Did this problem just start happening recently or has it existed for many, many months or years?

I noticed this problem just yesterday.

Yes, that can happen if there's a glitch in downloading our javascript file. Because once it downloads once, it gets saved locally, if you have a corrupted version of it, nothing will work until you empty your cache. Obviously not a DaniWeb-specific thing. :)

I see a match between these issues and the facebook like button: sometimes it doesn't load and when this happens the navigation dropdown and the watch article button do not work. If I'm not wrong this could explain the failed submits also. I think it could be related to this:

<script type="text/javascript">

// Add a script element as a child of the body
function downloadJSAtOnload() {
    var element = document.createElement("script");
    element.src = "/articles/js_deferred_scripts/group1099512299955946";

// Check for browser support of event handling capability
if (window.addEventListener)
    window.addEventListener("load", downloadJSAtOnload, false);
else if (window.attachEvent)
    window.attachEvent("onload", downloadJSAtOnload);
else window.onload = downloadJSAtOnload;    

May be document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded" instead of window.addEventListener("load"?

I also had failed submit issue the other day -- I pressed Submit and nothing happened, so I pressed it a couple more times. I left the thread for a few minutes to do something else, when I came back to the thread I saw three or four duplicate posts, so I just asked mods to delete the duplicates. I think that was the first time I saw that problem.

Am not sure if it's related, but I get this a lot after manually refreshing the page with F5 (work IE11, home Opera).


Lost another post today. It appeared in the thread but when I returned to that thread a few minutes later it was gone. Fortunately I still had it in my clipboard. It was this thread and Decepticon was posting at the same time so is it possible we collided?

So this problem has been existing for the past two years and no one ever mentioned it, and yet it's an every day occurrence?

I'm just trying to completely rule out the change I made about two months ago.

Am not sure if it's related, but I get this a lot after manually refreshing the page with F5 (work IE11, home Opera).

Looks like that's related to a FontAwesome bug. Who was it who gave me the idea to use them ...?

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