Forsis 0 Newbie Poster

As this is supposed do be an introduction, I can say that I am introducing myself to VB 2008 at the time being, planning either a stipendiate on soil chemistry or a econometric book-keeping program for companies (not decided yet).

I started programming with the ZX81 home computer in the 1980´s, a nice little machine with a Z80 processor and 16K memory with one-key BASIC and the AZMIC assembler ROM.

Since then I have had many jobs, some of them computer related, such as programming the Nicolet FTIR system. In this work I got familiar with the narrow but high absorbance peak of CO2 that is of great discussion today, being the index of other and stronger greenhouse gasses.

Having spent ten intense years on soil chemistry, I finally realised that it is also important to keep fit so I go swimming on a daily basis. In the summer I go sailing in the beautiful arcipelago.

I look forward to jump into VB enhancements this winter, to get ready for all good deed.

Sincerely Yours

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