Hi folks.

I made some research on Rails vs. Django, but I didn't come to conclusion which is better to learn.
Basically I don't know either Ruby or Python. RoR became very popular last year, has many resources and rich documentation and books/tutorials. On the other hand Python as a langugae is more powerful, more used and big companies like Google and Apple for example implemented it in their products.

So can you give me a hint.
Thanks in advance.

Mary Christmas ;)

PS: I didn't know where to post it, so please admin/mod to move it where it belongs.

Hi guys.

I've just watched 'Snakes and Rubies" , read many articles and still cannot choose my new framework.
Please, assist :-/

Hi folks.

I made some research on Rails vs. Django, but I didn't come to conclusion which is better to learn.
Basically I don't know either Ruby or Python. RoR became very popular last year, has many resources and rich documentation and books/tutorials. On the other hand Python as a langugae is more powerful, more used and big companies like Google and Apple for example implemented it in their products.

So can you give me a hint.
Thanks in advance.

Mary Christmas ;)

PS: I didn't know where to post it, so please admin/mod to move it where it belongs.

Neither language is 'more powerful' - you can achieve the same thing in either.

And while Google use Python heavily afaik they don't use Django (I may be wrong but I don't think they do).

Both frameworks are open source and easily available - download them and see which you prefer.

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