
Out of sheer interest, how much would it cost to have a professional make a website like this? Well not exactly a carbon copy of this, since this is obviously quite a big website, and I'm sure there's a lot more that's going on behind the scene so to say. But To a standard such as this. The level of customisation is very impressive. I wasn’t even able to tell it was based off VB until I saw the copyright at the bottom. VB’s default skin is absolutely awful.

Very briefly, off the top of my head, based on the following; forum, blog, reviews, classifications etc. etc. Something like gumtree with a little more order.

I apologise if this is in the wrong forum.

Thank you.

Kind regards

yeah, dani has been building it for years

the blogs, snippets and tutorials are totally custom i think

ill refer dani to this post for you

It depends upon the level of customization you want and how much work you are capable of / willing to do yourself.

vBulletin = $160
vBulletin Blogs = $50ish I think?? (This is for the official blog script created by the makers of vBulletin ... DaniWeb's blog script is custom written and proprietary)
Reviews script = I'm sure you can find something free on vBulletin.org, along with many other customizations

Custom skin = Anywhere from $50 to $50,000, depending upon which design firm you go with and the quality of the work

ill refer dani to this post for you


I can install modifications pretty easily, unless the mod just doesn't want to work. Then I would just be stuck.

Custom skin = Anywhere from $50 to $50,000, depending upon which design firm you go with and the quality of the work

Wow, the upper threshold is very high. I wonder if any forum would be worth such an investment.

What if I do all the graphics and layout stuff myself? All the web designer/web developer would have to do is put it together (code it).

Thank you for your response, I really do appreciate it.

Kind regards

actually, someone did try and do a cut + paste job on this site.

ill try find the link

actually, someone did try and do a cut + paste job on this site.

That makes me cringe. I question the ethics behind such practices. There’s simply no fun if you don't get your hands dirty. Also, imitations can never compare to the original. That’s just wrong on so many levels.

However I would be interested to so how it turned out though. Just out of curiosity.


the theme is the same, but thats about it - the backend customisations cant be copied easialy

oh, the thread is in the mods only section, but heres a link to the site


but heres a link to the site; http://www.prodigyguy.com/

Interesting. Don't know what to say about that. Doesn't really work for me.


It depends upon the level of customization you want and how much work you are capable of / willing to do yourself.

vBulletin = $160
vBulletin Blogs = $50ish I think?? (This is for the official blog script created by the makers of vBulletin ... DaniWeb's blog script is custom written and proprietary)
Reviews script = I'm sure you can find something free on vBulletin.org, along with many other customizations

Custom skin = Anywhere from $50 to $50,000, depending upon which design firm you go with and the quality of the work

How much for web hosting ? I guess you have got few dedicated high end servers running .

For webhosting, it would completely depend on what you would be looking for, how large the community is etc. For something the size of Daniweb i would guess that they are either running a VPS or (more then likely) a dedicated server. I tend to offer hosting to smaller companies at a cheap rate or a dedicated server, i know im not the cheapest around but it is the problem of having to cover my own costs. The same with any company

Hey Al-Saeed,

As is the case with many things in life, you are probably best getting multiple cost estimations in order to ensure that you are paying the least amount possible and getting the most value out of your website.

Although finding lots of software developers may seem like a daunting task, it is actually quite easy. Simply visit a website like <snipped>. This website allows you to post a description of your software project for free. Then all you have to do is wait for software developers to place advertisements (which usually contain a link to their portfolio) and cost estimations for your project. This allows you to choose the more professional and affordable developer for your project.

Anyways sorry for the rambling, I hope this information was useful.



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