I would like some advice on how to obtain accounts for my new job. Right now, we are just doing cold calling which I know all of you probably HATE. We are focusing on speaking with IT Directors about their businnesses phone/internet/mobile needs because we are an independent solution provider for companies such as AT&T. We are not resellers, we just work between the business and the communication companies to provide personalized account service through one point of contact, and guarantee the lowest price through gathering quotes from different companies and negotiating lower prices. There is no fee for this service- I really believe that it is an amazing business move for anyone who works with us. However, It is hard to get the word out about us because no one will listen to who we are and what we do, they automatically write us off. So, for you IT Directors, where do you look for new services for your business? I would much rather find a great way to advertise and have customers calling me as opposed to contacting them through cold calling. Thanks so much for your help!

So, for you IT Directors, where do you look for new services for your business?

cold calling directors will not work. You must remember that most directors delegate their tasks, so you need to find out who in these companies are responsible for telecom - and thats your target.

and instead of calling, arrange meetings

and instead of calling, arrange meetings

So I should not be asking for the IT Director, what is the title of the person I should be asking for? And about the meeting, do you mean a face to face meeting or just a conference call? I think that does make a lot of sense to try to schedule a meeting because I know it is probably hard to listen to something that is just sprung on you. It would be better to have a time set aside to be able to explain who we are. Thank you so much for your help!!

usually the position is called IT Manager or Senior System/Network Administrator

and yes, the only way to get through the misperception of you being a phone spammer, is to actually try to arrange a meeting, and come in with a properly prepared presentation, with all the facts and figures at hand

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