)BIG"B"Affleck 15 Master Poster Banned

Ok here you go for the "tip of the month" Could not think of where to post but not like I care if it ended up in the wrong one. But here it goes
Block a IP with a special message Gal

  • This could also be used to allow only your IP to this sctipt, just put an echo() there
  • the die() is, and add an }else{ die() You can also use $blockip
  • as a wild card, meaning if $blockip = 192.168 it would block the any IP that started
  • with, or contianed 192.168 You can block all IP's with if you set * 1=>'.'); Ofcourse
  • to ban the IPs you want to ban change 0=> and 1=> to the IP's you want to
  • ban, you can also add more like 3=> 4=> all the way up.

    $blockedips = array(0=>'',1=>'');
    for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($blockedips); $i++) {   if (strstr($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $blockedips[$i])) {     die("Sorry. You have been banned."); }}// Put everything else here.echo "Everything."

Say you wanted to ban the IP's,, and The array would look like this...

Merry Christmas.............

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