Hello, I am having huge trouble with gaining access to the control panel for my website. The guy who was hosting it, registered it in his name and has now disappeared form the face of the earth. He wont return my calls or emails. Meanwhile my company has 2 websites, the correct one and the old one (which is still no.1 on google and being seen by our customers!!) Not good.

Any help would be so much appreciated!

Sarah x

I guess you can chalk this up as a lesson learned. What you're asking us to help you with amounts to gaining unauthorized access, discussion of which is against Daniweb's policies. I can guarantee that if you continue this line of inquiry, bad things will happen.

I don't quite get you Narue, - 'bad things will happen' and 'i'm here to prove you wrong' ??? I'm afraid this is no help to me. I am trying to gain access to my own website, not someone else's!

>I don't quite get you Narue, - 'bad things will happen'
"Bad things" meaning your thread will get closed or deleted, your account will accumulate infractions and may even be banned, and authorities may be contacted for suspected illegal activity.

>I'm afraid this is no help to me.
I'm not trying to help you. I'm explaining why I (and everyone else on this forum) will refuse to help you.

>I am trying to gain access to my own website, not someone else's!
If it's not under your name, you don't own it. If you don't own it, trying to gain access is hacking. Discussion of hacking is against Daniweb's rules. What's so difficult about that?

Still don't understand 'I'm here to prove you wrong' part but no worries. I was simply asking for some help and just a polite explanation for the reason why you would not be able to help me would have done rather than your strange and slightly angry response.
Just so you know, I'll never use this site again so the threat of a deleted thread or a banned account really does not phase me. Suggesting that I am trying to do something illegal is really very silly and childish. I think its obvious from my post that I had a genuine enquiry.

Thank you!

>Still don't understand 'I'm here to prove you wrong' part but no worries.
It's a signature, genius. It shows up on every post I make and is completely irrelevant to the content of my posts.

>Just so you know, I'll never use this site again so the threat of a
>deleted thread or a banned account really does not phase me.

Well, your attitude isn't exactly conducive for a long stint on Daniweb anyway ("damn the rules, I'll ask whatever I want", and all that), so do what you want and reap what you sow. I honestly don't care.

>Suggesting that I am trying to do something illegal is really very silly and childish.
No, it's actually quite a reasonable suspicion. Either you're a loser hacker who couldn't break into a piggy bank, or you're an extremely clueless business owner/IT professional for not ensuring that you have all of the necessary privileges for ownership of and access to the site. To protect the company in the case that you're the former, I prefer to assume the worst. If I'm wrong, all I've done is made you mad, and I can live with that.

>I think its obvious from my post that I had a genuine enquiry.
And I think it's obvious from your post that there are too many red flags for it to be genuine. You may be telling the truth, but I'm not willing to risk it.

Hello Narue, Senior Bitch.

Once again, thanks for your strange and now very angry post. My apologies for not understanding your brilliant 'signature'. Of course that is what someone who is supposed to be assisting will have as their 'signature', silly me!

I am a business owner who has been left stranded by a useless web hosting company who have gone bust and taken my passwords with them.

You have far form made me mad, infact I can relax well this evening in the knowledge that I own my own very successful business and you are an angry little web weasel who does nothing but post sarcastic, unhelpful and rude posts on here to innocent, unsuspecting subscribers, in order to make yourself feel you have some sort of authority and control in your life.

Good luck and once again, Thanks.

commented: Angry? No. Funny? Yes. +0
commented: dont call narue a bitch +0

>Hello Narue, Senior Bitch.
I changed my title just for you. :)

>Once again, thanks for your strange and now very angry post.
Rude, harsh, realistic, and mean are all appropriate adjectives for describing my posts, but not angry. I don't let emotion get in the way of expressing myself as intended.

>I am a business owner who has been left stranded by a useless web
>hosting company who have gone bust and taken my passwords with them.

Assuming you're telling the truth, that would place you in the latter of my two previously stated cases. It still doesn't change the fact that you've given no proof to substantiate your claim, and your request is against Daniweb's rules. Must we go in circles like this?

>I own my own very successful business and you are an angry
>little web weasel who does nothing but post sarcastic, unhelpful
>and rude posts on here to innocent, unsuspecting subscribers, in
>order to make yourself feel you have some sort of authority and
>control in your life.

Unless your business is psychological evaluation and dismissal of random online personalities given 500 words or less, I'd say your reaction is indicative of anger.

>Good luck and once again, Thanks.
My pleasure. If you have any further need of my unique brand of non-help for your illegal requests, don't hesitate to ask.

commented: love the new sig & title ;] +0

It took you almost two hours to come up with that!? Dictionary.com must have come in handy for all of those big words. Well done you.

Unsubscribing now, Bye!

>It took you almost two hours to come up with that!?
Nope, I left and did other things, as my absence from the "Who's Online" list would have shown you. So much for your theory about me doing nothing but posting here.

>Well done you.
Yep, I'm awesome. I didn't even have to use dictionary.com to come up with the big words.

>Unsubscribing now, Bye!
You can't unsubscribe, but you can stop posting. Let's see how long that lasts. :) But I wish you luck in finding some dupe to break the law and get arrested for you.

commented: For feeding the trolls +0

Got to side with narue on this one.

If the site is in his name, then you dont own it. Simple as that. If you had done it properly, you should have registered it in the name of your own (registered) limited company, and designated someone responsible as a contact person.

e.g If you have a contract for your phone in the name of your parents, customer service will only speak to them, not to you.... Same thing applies.

Yes I know this. I am asking if there is a way around it but it appears not.

There is, but that would be illegal. You're not talking about doing anything illegal now are you? :icon_wink:

And what happened to "unsubscribing"? Now Narue has to change her signature from: New members chased away this month: 3 back to New members chased away this month: 2 :D

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