Thanks for your prompt replies. I just read the following on Prometric's website :

"In order to sit for a Microsoft Certification exam at a Prometric testing center in India, China, or Pakistan, you must be a legitimate resident of that country. If you are a legitimate resident of that country, note the following:

Effective immediately, Prometric testing centers in these three countries are required to confirm and record that each Microsoft Certification candidate has shown documented proof that he or she is a legitimate resident of that specific country. To verify country of residence status, each candidate is required to bring two valid and officially recognized forms of identification (ID)—one with a photo and an official residence address, and both with a signature."

If this is true I will not be able to take Microsoft exams in India. Any suggestions ?

Are you telling us that you are an illegal immegrant to one of those countries? If you are -- then Shame on you.

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