This is my cry for help!


I just haven't been able to land a job in IT and I graduated May of '03. I keep getting sales jobs :rolleyes:

I have been trying to read the A+ and Net+ cert book. That's coming along ok. How or Where do I get a job in IT Feild?


I know many people that have been out of work longer than that.

I got my degree (cs) in 2001. Worked for 6 months total in 5 years.

There's a lot of denial going on about the IT market. It's in the toilet.

When jobs are involved that is often the case cause reality is quite harsh

I know many people that have been out of work longer than that.

I got my degree (cs) in 2001. Worked for 6 months total in 5 years.

There's a lot of denial going on about the IT market. It's in the toilet.

When jobs are involved that is often the case cause reality is quite harsh

So what are you doing now? I just filed for unemployment today, because I was laid off from MCI a while back and that was a telemarketing job. I've been out of school for 2.5 yrs and laid off twice already. I really need this year to be a better year.

>> So what are you doing now? I just filed for unemployment today, because I was laid off from MCI a while back and that was a telemarketing job. I've been out of school for 2.5 yrs and laid off twice already.

Driving a van for a warehouse for $8.50 an hour. Just like most of my fellow former IT workers i am out of the field.

I'm 49 years old. I have seen good times and bad. The republicans have screwed up the economy. We are not going to go back to good economic times.

This IS the so called boom and look at how feeble it is. Wait till the next downturn. It won't be 1929 but it will be worse than anything we have seen in a long time.

>> So what are you doing now? I just filed for unemployment today, because I was laid off from MCI a while back and that was a telemarketing job. I've been out of school for 2.5 yrs and laid off twice already.

Driving a van for a warehouse for $8.50 an hour. Just like most of my fellow former IT workers i am out of the field.

I'm 49 years old. I have seen good times and bad. The republicans have screwed up the economy. We are not going to go back to good economic times.

This IS the so called boom and look at how feeble it is. Wait till the next downturn. It won't be 1929 but it will be worse than anything we have seen in a long time.

I hear you, its not easy out here. You should be able to get something though. Keep trying!

Well Fasola, and anyone else in your situation. My advise is that if you are out of work, you should look to do un-paid Work Experience. Canvas a few local businesses, ask relatives and friends. OK, your not getting paid but;

- Your using your time constructively, even a week or two, you will learn so much.
- Work hard, and you will get a good reference from the company, maybe even they will keep you in mind for future job opportunities.
- The fact that you are doing everything you can to get ahead, will reflect on your CV

Most companies employ from within, in my experience, so take any job in a big company, and you may be able to transfer.

Sounds tough over there in the States, so Good Luck everyone.

Regards, David

Thanks, I'll try that approach if I find a company that I think is fitting

Well Fasola, and anyone else in your situation. My advise is that if you are out of work, you should look to do un-paid Work Experience. Canvas a few local businesses, ask relatives and friends. OK, your not getting paid but;

- Your using your time constructively, even a week or two, you will learn so much.
- Work hard, and you will get a good reference from the company, maybe even they will keep you in mind for future job opportunities.
- The fact that you are doing everything you can to get ahead, will reflect on your CV

Most companies employ from within, in my experience, so take any job in a big company, and you may be able to transfer.

Sounds tough over there in the States, so Good Luck everyone.

Regards, David

>> Well Fasola, and anyone else in your situation. My advise is that if you are out of work, you should look to do un-paid Work Experience

There's another name for that. It's called slavery. Except it's not as good a deal as slavery cause you don't even get your room and board.

Can you live on air. Ask 99.9% of the people out there and the answer is no.

BTW - the computer field is giving you a clear signal it is a lousy field. Even if it does come back can you handle another 4 or 5 year layoff during the next recession

This is my cry for help!


I just haven't been able to land a job in IT and I graduated May of '03. I keep getting sales jobs :rolleyes:

I have been trying to read the A+ and Net+ cert book. That's coming along ok. How or Where do I get a job in IT Feild?


You ar belongs to which country :?:
I think more unemployed person should survive in INDIA :rolleyes: .

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