away is not here.

here I am!

am I the ape man?

man I'm tired...

Tired is what someone says after programming in C#

C# is something i dont know.

know who lives next door

door is open?

open eyes can be sleepy

Sleepy Sam thinks this thread is the bestestest thread, ever.

ever and ever and ever

ever thought when ever?

ever will never ever end

end is where something stop

stop the car!

car over the cliff, he went

went to the chruch last sunday

Sunday is the end or the start of another week

week after week pass by.

By the look of things, nothing will change if it stays the same

same side of the line

line of light

light weight champion

champion in making

making a cake

cake of the day

day dreaming in the sun

sun and the moon

moon shine by night

night time, day time!
(anyone remember the tv show "walk on the wild side")?

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