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50 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for restrictment

Looks good but could save your self a lot of problems if you used classes( other words an OOP(object orianted programming) aproach) but other then that not bad for someone starting out.

Member Avatar for krieg
Member Avatar for Doctor Inferno
Member Avatar for kemkoi

C++ would be a good language to learn but its a big jump into the deep end (or can be for beginners) i would suggest learning java or c# to start with then once you have learnt that move onto c++. I would suggest that you both learn the same …

Member Avatar for amanahad
Member Avatar for linux

dont you mean. 01101101 01100101 00100000 01101110 01101111 00100000 01110011 01110000 01100101 01100001 01101011 01101001 01100101 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00101110 00100000

Member Avatar for vinnitro
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi Guys and girls, I'm using a TMonthCalander to display Dates, I'm using the BoldDays method to bold the important days. I have everything working fine when the user changes the month via the TMonthCalander controls. But I can not bold the days when they click a button. I've tried …

Member Avatar for ajst

Hi Guys and girls, I'm trying to save the font settings of my component and load them back in via xml. I have xml working with saving and loading of every property except Font. When I save font its as an integer. But when I load the value back in …

Member Avatar for AceStryker
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi DaniWeb, I'm new to delphi and was wondering if it is possible to embed forms inside one another. Example I have several forms working by it self and I want to move them forms onto a new blank form. Rather then copying and pasting the code is there a …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi I have an app for Android phones. It is working as intended but when I receive a phone call the app is minimised(but still running) and I have to open the app again. I was wondering how do I make it so after the phone call it restores my …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi Guys and Girls, I'm having some trouble getting a timer to work on my android 2.1 app. I want it so once a button is clicked it trys to connect to my server every 60 seconds. my code for connecting to server is working, but I don't understand why …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi DaniWeb, I'm currently writing a client server program. I have my client and server sending data and everything fine. But I'm trying to get my client to reconnect. E.g if I get the server to kill the clients connection how can I get the client to realise it is …

Member Avatar for maninaction
Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi fellow daniwebs, I was wondering are there any people who play online RPG's not in the sense of WOW or any other MMORPG I mean as in games such as Dungeons and Dragons pen and paper style. If anyone does do they know of a PbP(play by post) group's …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for server_crash

what you can do is rather then running the inner loop to the same number as the outer loop get it to stop at half of the outer loop. that way it will not create duplicates or have to waste time comparing if its in list allready e.g [CODE] int …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi, I currently have a method that is called on a ActionEvent of being clicked. Now I want to call that method from another method. Is there a way to do this with out having to just copy and paste my code into another method and just call that? This …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for spoonlicker

when the down button is pressed increase Y speed untill the collision detection detects it is at the bottom/or touching another block.

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for NickOOOShea

you dont need to know how they are going to program each feature. imagine you are playing your game. And describe how each feature of the game work. E.g In the bottom of the right hand corner i want a minimap that displays the map and all units and buildings …

Member Avatar for DaSpirit
Member Avatar for berben11

wow congrats it shows a lot of hard work has gone into making this. I would like to know how easy it is to use and import new models and how well the code is written so like a limited 30 day trial of the engine before i would pay …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi, I've got a job interview coming up and was wondering if people would be so kind to help me with some revision for the interview. It's it a programming role(surprisingly) so would be greatful if people would post the questions they have been asked or ask in job interviews. …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for maniza

Try making a simple game like naughts and crosses to start with. you might use all of them to start with but its a good bases before moving onto a bigger board game like chess or checkers which would use all of the above.

Member Avatar for maniza
Member Avatar for tron_thomas

first of all i would look into path finding look at Dijkstra's algorithm or A* to get an understanding on how they could find there way to the objective. now if you wanted them to wander around randomly while also making there way to the objective when you are evaluating …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for jbennet

Well the basic tips i can give for making any strat game is start from the bottom. look at what you game is going to consist of...units...buildings etc these are what classes you will need. (assuming its 3d) a model class to load everything a base unit class unit class …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for z00t

[CODE] System.out.println("area = " + area); [/CODE] or you could do [CODE] System.out.print ("area = "); System.out.println (area); [/CODE] Both will achieve the same result.

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for oppie204

well if you are looking at making craps(gamberling dice game that you described). My tips would be to look into random number generator and how to print text to console. No one will do your work for you, but we will help if you post your attempted code.

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi guys and girls, I've decided to pick up C++ again after not using it for 2 nearly 3 years. I've been programming in java and c# in the mean time so my understanding of programming is very good. I've been trying to make a pack of cards but for …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi guys and girls(?), I have created a 2d turn based board game game like chess, in java but my problem is that I wanna add some kind of walk through or tutorial system to explain the controls and features of the game. I was wondering if anyone had any …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for Smashed Badger

I would suggest you look into an old MMORPG fps game called planet side. it was exactly as you described in your orignal post. a massive fps game with mmo propaties and objectives dependents on the time of day and how active people are. so during the day when people …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for rohit2

to find out which pane is selected try using getSelectedIndex() which will tell you which pane is currently selected. try using something like this if you want the code to be ran as soon as that pane has been selected. [CODE] private void jTabbedPane1MouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { // TODO add your …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi guys, I've been looking into reflection and was wondering if anyone had any good tutorials or a good use for it. I understand how it works but can't think of an example of when it would actually be used. A website with a task that needs reflection to solve …

Member Avatar for ajst

The End.