well i have started software and web Development business.now i want to start email marketing for my client i have develop brochure but i need email addresses about 1000 to 5000 can anyone provide the email address and how i get thiese is this email marketing

I recommend purchasing a sponsorship on a newsletter that gets sent out to your targeted audience. Definitely do not get into the spammy business of buying email addresses - and untargeted ones, at that.

well i have started software and web Development business.now i want to start email marketing for my client i have develop brochure but i need email addresses about 1000 to 5000 can anyone provide the email address and how i get thiese is this email marketing

Dont try this unless you want to be included in spamhause list.

I recommend purchasing a sponsorship on a newsletter that gets sent out to your targeted audience. Definitely do not get into the spammy business of buying email addresses - and untargeted ones, at that.

I totally aggree i wouldnt go out to buy a email list. As cscgal said i would rather sponsor a email newsletter in your target area such as adding a banner or even a advertorial in a email issue.

well good luck mate

I would search the web for companies that might be interested in your product and send them more personal emails (not spam)

Those companies are probably more easy to purchase your product.

There are three types of email marketing, opt-email marketing, bulk e-mail marketing and newsletter marketing. It is a very cheap method to get a various customer but beware of SPAM email.
Or click this link

I wish I had the answer to that too. when you get it please tell me. :-)

Email marketing worth if you have subscriber list otherwise it would be simply considered as "spam".

Use a well known company to buy email list.. I personally do not think there are clean email list out there.. One way or the other you will end up spamming..as cscgal said ..try newsletter sponsorship...

well i have started software and web Development business.now i want to start email marketing for my client i have develop brochure but i need email addresses about 1000 to 5000 can anyone provide the email address and how i get thiese is this email marketing

Well I got 30 million alive,virgin targeteed email ids :) . Email marketign is not bad option for a newbee


I have seen some information about email marketing in http://www.axill.in which is having not only email marketing info but also affiliate marketing information, viral marketing information and search engine marketing information, i can't tell how to useful to u - basically I am working as Search Engine Optimizer. any how u go through www.axill.in you can get some information about email marketing.


Email marketing is so beyond auto responders in this day and age.
Do you think someone will give you his ideas ?
Would you tell your secrets to someone who would be on same market?
Do you think we are silly to let you take our money?

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