I was wandering if i can get help on how to view the contents of my hidden files. I marked them hidden but now I cant see neither the files nor their contents. Help me please! all my crucial data are in the files.
by the servantking.

view - folders view -- check the show hidden files/folders :)

I was wandering if i can get help on how to view the contents of my hidden files. I marked them hidden but now I cant see neither the files nor their contents. Help me please! all my crucial data are in the files.
by the servantking.

What version of Windows?

view - folders view -- check the show hidden files/folders :)

In your Menu Bar- Tools -> Folder Options -> View(Tab)-> See below you mite find two radio buttons indicating Do not show hidden files and Show hidden Files. Select the Show hidden files and click on Apply-> Ok. This feature is in Windows 98, XP.. don't know about vista as i haven't used it yet. :icon_cheesygrin:

be it any version of windows you are using open Explorer and Search the file(hoping you must atleast know the file name). You will have options in search to let u search hidden files too. So you must be able to discover your hidden files. Now if u really want to unhide it right click on it and select properties. Uncheck the Hidden checkbox.

On the other hand if you already know the path then go to Start->run. type cmd. Now navigate to the path your file is there. To confirm you can issue the command dir /a. If it is present there then issue this command attrib -h <hidden_file_name>. Remember you need to give the file name along with the extension.

Though workaround for no use but will work irrespective of which version of windows you are using.

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