Wait as they are updating the 360s

soon they will retire the Core system and make the Premium have HDMI like the elite does

3 days, 10 hours left and counting

I heard eventually you'll have to have the harddrive to play the games,

I thaught you already did? Doesnt it use it for swapfile? thats what my old-school Xbox1 does?

OK. Maybe the controls aren't actually hard ... I'm just not good at games ... HAPPY?

Yes :D

I thaught you already did? Doesnt it use it for swapfile? thats what my old-school Xbox1 does?

No, something beyond that I think. This is just hear-say, but I was told to be sure to get the one with the hard drive because they're going to be doing something funky with the way games are played and it will require the hdd.

I gave in and bought an Elite... at least I shouldn't need to upgrade for a little while... :P

On the other hand, I'll probably not be buying a TV soon... thank god for VGA output

> The halo series is overrated.
i hate you.

All games are overhyped on release...

All games are overhyped on release...

Not as much as Halo.

Halo = Vista

main focus is graphics
require expensive hardware
arent that good
are made by microsoft

Is anyone here going to get it at one of the midnight things?

Not as much as Halo.

Hadn't even heard of it until you brought it up... Hype's not that effective I guess :)

Not that I'm much interested in it. Would need another computer to run it (I've none to spare at the moment to install Vista :) ) and I'm not much into shooters.

Is it out now? How is it?

Is it out now? How is it?

official website lists the release date as "?"...

At the same time an old newsletter lists the release date as 25 September, which is next tuesday (without listing a timezone).

So anyone having it yet got it from a store that started shipping/selling before the official release, which in the past has gotten stores scrapped from Microsoft's list of approved resellers (which effectively mean they're no longer getting any Microsoft products to sell from Microsoft and any independent wholesale channel supplying them with such products is liable to get blacklisted as well).

Is anyone here going to get it at one of the midnight things?

I was thinking I'd drop in and get a copy in the afternoon, when the lines are shorter... :P

If there is any left.

> If there is any left.

of course there'll be some left. I think I might do the midnight thing.

>> Is anyone here going to get it at one of the midnight things?

Well I did the 'midnight' "thing" when the last HP book came out (by which I mean I had to go shopping and midnight was the only free time I had, was working very hard then), but the queues were far too long so I just went shopping and about two minutes past midnight I heard a woman talking to her son (I think), on a phone but it turns out her son had already gotten the book so she was going to return it ... so I intervened and saved her a walk. What a good citizen I am, eh?

Yeah I got the last HP book at midnight, it only took 20 minutes. It took so little time becasue a few months in advance I registered my name for the line. I basically got to cut almost 1000 people in line becasue of it.

I went to HP midnight thing, but didn't buy a book cause I hadn't reserved one, and the line was 10 miles long. So the next day I got it at walmart for like 14 bucks or something like that.

Hey guys, I met up with a friend today who has the right "connections". Long story short, he's had access to Halo 3 since last Friday and he says it's AWESOME. Although I unfortunately didn't get to play it, I held it in my hands, and I have photos to prove it. (Sorry about the bad photo quality, for some reason my camera was being funky.)

That is pretty awesome.

Holy Freaking Crap Halo3 Is Out.

yes YES, i think i'll go insane!!! i'm not going to sleep, eat or do anything beside halo 3 until i beat it on legendary.

just kidding, i don't even have a 360

You may be kidding but a lot of people will do that.

i just baught HALO2 for my old school xbox today lol its the first time if played any halo properley

Duki had to buy a 360 lol... just so he could play halo.

I have heard that the ending wraps the story up very nicely.

I have heard that the ending wraps the story up very nicely.

a big message saying HALO SUX LOLZ GET A LIFE

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