hahaa.. poor outcast jwenting :P

My parents enrolled me in the Scouts so I could satisfy my pyromaniacal tendencies in a controlled environment :)

lol you dont still do that?

>My parents enrolled me in the Scouts so I could satisfy my pyromaniacal tendencies in a controlled environment

Controlled? That's so boring! ;)

i was in the army cadets for like 5 years but i hated the marching and taking orders ;)

lol you dont still do that?

Active Scout? Not anymore, but why not?
Set fire to things? Yes at least 5 times a day :)

Controlled? That's so boring!

Well controlled to the point where when the trees started to catch light Skip would jump in and make us put it out and then tell us in a long round about way that starting forest fires was not conducive to the greater good. I don't recall being bored except in Church on Sundays that was terrible.

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