I've now just recently added to DMOZ Project Open Directory listing the the main site and the subdivision site. It says it will take about from 2 weeks or 1 month for approval. I believe I've chosen the right categories. Will this help me in affecting and improving the site ranking of the firm's sites on popular search engines?

Thanx a lot to whoever replies.

It definitely helps a bit to be listed in DMOZ -- though theres no guarantee that it will increase your rankings. However, DMOZ is a pretty authoritative directory and it does help if you get accepted.

Assuming you actually get listed in DMOZ, and that is a big if, you may see an improvement in rankings but most likely not. Although a link from DMOZ is more valuable then a link from a regular directory their links aren't as powerful as many people like to make them out to be. Unless the search terms you hope to rank well for are very niche specific I wouldn't expect that link to make any kind of difference. But it is good to have.

I think the biggest benefit to being in DMOZ is not from the site itself but from being listed on partner sites (ie Google Directory) and the dozens of individual directories which scrape DMOZ content. Overall it gives you links on targeted pages from a wide array of different domains.

That used to be helpful until Google implemented their duplicate content filters. Overnight those DMOZ clones became worthless. :( Heck, even Google removed the directory from their home page. But that probably is more of a reflection of how DMOZ operates no then anything else.

I still think it could be useful if done right. Sites that use DMOZ content don't necessarily have to look or act like DMOZ. Heck, with a copy of the DMOZ database at my disposal, I could put some "Related Links" towards the bottom of every forum thread, for example. It would more be utilizing the DMOZ database than being a clone or copy-cat.

Unfortunately you are more creative then most other webmasters. Most sites just use the data for cloning Dmoz. No matter how you look at it, though, being in Dmoz is definitely a positive. (Good luck getting in though....)

> Unfortunately you are more creative then most other webmasters.
No arguments there :)

Unfortunately you are more creative then most other webmasters. Most sites just use the data for cloning Dmoz. No matter how you look at it, though, being in Dmoz is definitely a positive. (Good luck getting in though....)

Why, I wonder, DMOZ wouldn't accept a site? Do you guys know some reasons why they wouldn't?
I haven't submitted my website to them yet, but I'd like to know somethings they don't like in a website that makes them decide not to to accept certain site so I can make some changes to my mine before I submit it to them. :)

Some categories don't have editors. Others don't have active editors. Some have corrupt editors who keep competitors out by rejecting or ignoring their sites. Basically it is a crap shoot. Just submit it and forget it.

I could not get my site added in DMOZ even after many tries. Unless your website is really extra ordinary the chance of rejection is pretty high.

Back when DaniWeb was my personal site about my dogs, we were listed in DMOZ. Once DaniWeb turned tech, it took me nearly a year to get DMOZ to update their listing.

I finally started a thread at Resource-Zone (a forum run by DMOZ moderators) and Bob was able to help me. (Bob being a DMOZ mod whom I had already known as the former owner of a popular visual basic forum.) So I'm not sure if I was just one of the very lucky ones who ran into an Internet acquaintance who just so happened to have been in a position to help me.

Well, I'm going to submit my site today and hopefully I'll have some luck. I will let you know guys if ther reject me...lol.

Its really difficult to get listed on DMOZ, more over editors are bit harsh. You will never come to know as why your site was rejected or its under process. Ask them on their forums and you will get a harsh reply for sure.

Yes it will be very helpful to get listed their as many web directories just full their databases from this directories including google. But you will not find any one searching personally in that directory.

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