tashakota 0 Newbie Poster

I have what I thought was a basic form with multiple text boxes and one select box. The form submits and info is updated in a database. However, it fails because of the select box. The select box is automatically selected to the user's organization if they have one. The select box submits a value in the form 575,575. (575 is the id of the Organization and the value of the option) If you change the organization it's more like 575,815 (with the 575 being the initial value and the 815 being the new value).

I can't seem to figure this one out. And whenever I get to the point of needing to finally ask about it, it turns out to be something I've missed. However, I can't seem to find any problems with my code.

<cfquery name="listorgs" datasource="members">
	SELECT tblOrganizations.INSTITUT, tblOrganizations.OrganizationID 
	FROM tblOrganizations
	ORDER BY tblOrganizations.INSTITUT;

<select name="OrgID" style="width:30em;">
	<option value="">None Selected</option>
	<option value="0">Add New Organization</option>
	<cfloop query="listorgs">
		<cfif listorgs.OrganizationID eq SESSION.AMSPerson.OrgID>
			<option value="#listorgs.OrganizationID#" selected>#listorgs.INSTITUT#</option>
			<option value="#listorgs.OrganizationID#">#listorgs.INSTITUT#</option>

ETA: Oh and if I comment out the line of code to update the OrgID, it works just fine.