Hi everyone,

Kind of a newbie in the web design arena and therefore my apologies if this post is a repeat of a previous one, all the ones I found to be similar didn't seem to fix my problem

I have a list surounded with a class which its purpose is to add a tick for each list item. it works find in FF but of course not in IE7

here is the code

<ul class="tick-list">                            
                            <li>A&amp;E onsite</li>
                            <img src="/img/scorecards/Fair.gif" alt="Fair" title="Fair" /> blah blah

and here is the css

ul.tick-list li {background:#fff url(/img/find-services/listings/tick-list.gif)no-repeat 0 0; padding:0 0 .6em 27px; min-height:21px;}

If anyone can help that will be great


You should place the list inside a div and give the surrounding div a background. Like so;

<style type = "text/css">
	ul.tick-list li {padding:0 0 .6em 27px; min-height:21px;}
	.ulwrapper {background:#fff url(/img/find-services/listings/tick-list.gif) no-repeat 0 0;}
	<div class="ulwrapper">

                <ul class="tick-list">
                            <li>A&amp;E onsite</li>
                            <img src="/img/scorecards/Fair.gif" alt="Fair" title="Fair" /> blah blah

The above code works in IE 7 and Firefox 3.

The copy of the code didn't go correctly. It should start with <html> and just before the body </head>.

Hi colweb,

That did the trick, if it is easy to explain why this is needed it will be good to know for future purposes

Thanks for your quick reply and help

Lists are not block objects, and won't take an image.

Hi colweb,

That did the trick, if it is easy to explain why this is needed it will be good to know for future purposes

Thanks for your quick reply and help

It seems the problem is solved than. And MidiMagic has already explained why it needs the surrounding div. Please press the "solved" butten next time. :)

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