I have built what I think is a nice contact form.

I want to add a cookie to this form so that if a visitor has already completed this form, the browesr recognizes the user and sends them to a page that states they have already filled out this form. It is my understanding that a cookie is the only way to accomplish this and I really do not understand how to use cookies. Shame on me I guess.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

<title>Contact Form</title>

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
function checkForm() {
 document.form.Email.value = " " + document.form.Email.value;
  if (document.form.FName.value == "") {alert('The First Name field is empty!'); return false; }  // script to validate First Name field   

 if (document.form.LName.value == "") {alert('The Last Name field is empty!'); return false; }  // script to validate Last Name field   
  if (document.form.Address.value == "") {alert('The Address field is empty!'); return false; }  // script to validate Address field

  if (document.form.City.value == "") {alert('The City field is empty!'); return false; }  // script to validate City field

  if (document.form.State.selectedIndex == " ") {alert('You have not selected a state!'); return false; }  // script to validate State field

  if (document.form.Zip.value == "") {alert('The Zip Code field is empty!'); return false; }  // script to validate Zipfield

// -->

<script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”> 
document.cookie = "UserName=Paul;expires=Tue, 28 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT;path=/;";

 <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" width="460">
    <td style="background-color:red" align="center" colspan="2">
      <span style="color:black"><b>Contact Form</b></span>
  <form name="form" method="post" action="success.html"
   enctype="text/plain" onSubmit="javascript:return checkForm()";> 
    <td width="170" height="30">First Name:</td>
    <td width="290" height="30">
     <input size="20" name="FName" style="font-size:9pt" />

    <td width="170" height="30">Last Name:</td>
    <td width="290" height="30">
     <input size="20" name="LName" style="font-size:9pt" />

    <td width="170" height="30">Address:</td>
    <td width="290">
     <input size="45" name="Address" style="font-size:9pt" />

    <td width="170" height="30">City:</td>
    <td width="290">
     <input size="30" name="City" style="font-size:9pt" />
<td width="170" height="30">State:</td>
     <select name="State">
      <option selected>Choose...</option>
      <option>District of Columbia</option>
      <option>New Hampshire</option>
      <option>New Jersey</option>
      <option>New Mexico</option>
      <option>New York</option>
      <option>North Carolina</option>
      <option>North Dakota</option>
      <option>Rhode Island</option>
      <option>South carolina</option>
      <option>South Dakota</option>
      <option>West Virginia</option>

    <td width="170" height="30">Zip Code:</td>
    <td width="290">
     <input size="30" name="Zip" style="font-size:9pt" />

    <td width="170" height="30">Email Address:</td>
    <td width="290">
     <input size="30" name="Email" style="font-size:9pt" />

    <td width="170" height="30">Phone Number:</td>
    <td width="290">
     <input size="30" name="Phone" style="font-size:9pt" />

    <td style="background-color:red" align="center" colspan="2">

    <td colspan="2" align="center" height="30">
      <input type="submit" value="Submit" style="font-size:9pt" />&nbsp;
      <input type="reset" value="Reset" style="font-size:9pt" />&nbsp;




You should move this thread to the javascript forum.

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