expected error on homepagei have a error on my homepage error expected how do i get rid of it? :cry: :rolleyes:

Impossible to answer, given the complete lack of detail. What homepage? Where? Which browser?

Hi Wanadoo homepage when i click on homepage comes up done with errors expected errors?
yellow triangle.does it mean anything as i get the page up. Sorry new to this dont know the lingo you say browser as in what?

Hi Wanadoo homepage when i click on homepage comes up done with errors expected errors?
yellow triangle.does it mean anything as i get the page up. Sorry new to this dont know the lingo you say browser as in what? Can someone please tell me what this means?

When I open my website home page IE gives me this error message: Error: Expected ')'

MUCH THANKS to anyone who can help!

The yellow triangle you refer to means the page has a javascript error. An error in the webpage is not your fault, it is the fault of the person who created the page.

A javascript error is nothing for you to worry about unless:

  1. It's your website
  2. It breaks functionality in a way that prevents you from using the site.

Let's be blunt here: If you don't know what tgreer means by "browser", you are in no position to even consider fixing a javascript code error. I also have to make the assumption that if you don't know what "browser" means or how to post a simple link to the website in question, you must not be the webmaster of the website you refer to, so my advice to you is either don't worry about the error or contact the website owner and tell him/her about the error.

Thankyou TRoy I will contact Wanadoo whos homepage it is!

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