Have you tried turning it off via the Security Center?

When you tried to remove the files in Safe Mode did you actually try to delete all those actual files you found...not do an uninstall of the program but remove each individual file?
These are the ones I am talking about:
Program Files named Charter Security Suite. There are several folders, most of them empty. There are six files not in folders: fsdeph.dll; fsisu.dll; fsisuNT.dll; fsld32.dll; fsuinst.ENG; and install

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware also has a tool within it's program called File Assassin which can be used to delete any type of locked files that are on your computer. It is under the Tools Tab on the MBA-M program

One OTHER thought, have you looked in Services for this firewall? Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services.
Scroll through the list there and look for any listings related to this Firewall. If you see any, double click to open the properties, Stop any files "allegedly" running and then change start up type to Disabled. Do this with all you may find. Then Reboot the computer.

I'm not exactly sure what happened when I tried y our Services suggestion. I found F-Secure and disabled it. It indicated the name of the program was Charter, etc. When I look at Security Center the firewall still shows ON and that it is Charter. However, I have checked a few things that were blocked to me before and now they are tranwsmitting info to me. Doesn't make sense to me but it seems to be working like it should. Thanks again for the help.

Now, delete that first copy of Combofix, download a new one and see if you can run it this time. If it still won't run then try it in Safe Mode, but if it can be run in normal mode that certainly is the preferred way to do it.

The Combofix would not d/l in either normal or safe mode. Shortly after trying I received a reply to my email to F-Secure support. They sent me the following:

1. Download the uninstallation tool from


*DO NOT RUN IT Make sure you save the tool. Save the tool on Desktop for easy locating.

2. Look on your desktop, double click on UninstallationTool.exe to run it.

3. Your computer will be restarted to complete the uninstallation

After following their directions the Charter firewall is no long on this computer.

I really appreciated all the help you gave me. I especially got good use out of the Removal tool and also got rid of some malware with the Malware program. As a result of the changes made to my computer by the programs you suggested this computer is now running better than it has in several years. For that reason I really thank you for all your efforts. While I am not a new computer user neither am I an expert. Your directions were plain and straight forward and I appareciated that.

Thanks so much. Even AFTER the removal of the Charter Firewall you couldn't get the combofix to run? This concerns me. Sounds like there is infection on there stopping it.

Well, at least now I can run virus scans so maybe something will show up.

I couldn't turn off my firewall either till i went into my registry and set permissions to 0 for windows firewall

I couldn't turn off my firewall either till i went into my registry and set permissions to 0 for windows firewall

The poster is NOT talking about the Windows Firewall but a 3rd party firewall.

My firewall was a different one and with DaniWeb help my issue has been resolved.

Charter Security Suite is developed by F-Secure Corporation. The most popular version of this product is 1.0. The names of program executable files are fsavgui.exe, fscuif.exe. Maybe this will help when you people start hunting files to kill. Later--

commented: this was copy/pasted from my post on page 1 Later--- +0

Yes, I know about F-Secure. They sent me a file that deleted the firewall

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