Agapelove68 0 Junior Poster in Training

Greetings From E.G.:

I want to help those whom I can help. Back up all your data first VIP> On a flash drive or whatever your preference is. Then if you know where your last restore point was before the viruses, spyware, maleware, etc showed up...Try this. Go to your last restore point, see if your computer is working properly. I always look at my device manager to see what programs are running, if there is a program or file that you don't recognize, that is probably corrupted then you can isolate the maleware, viruses, etc. Get rid of that file or programs. If this doesn't work, in safe mode f8 button when you turn on your computer, scroll down to the last application that worked properly, try to go with the lst option first & follow the other steps. Be sure to save all of your data via a flash drive or whatever your preference is. This is a temporary solution until you can find out how much damage has been done to your computer. That's why it is very important to save all of your data! Then if you have a technically inclined friend you can trust, then be sure to run several anti-virus, maleware, spyware scans. If the computer is beyond repair or too many things have been corrupted, then you have no choice, but to do a clean sweep of your computer. Then after your system has been wiped cleaned, you can put in your saved data back in to your computer, and wella, you're up and running again. Last case scenario is to contact Microsoft PC Safety whom especially works on viruses, this is a choice if you are not familiar with computers. But, make sure you get a higher level of technical support from PC. safety. I believe there phone number is [snipped], I think there open 24-7. But be careful, because less technically inclined staff may do more harm then good. I just had a language in my computer that I didn't like, so I dealt with a different support from Microsoft to get rid of this language that was in my computer. Hope this helps. E.G. Agapelove68

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