I would like a .htaccess file which rewrites .php files as .htm files, however, if the .php file doesn't exist - try simply opening the .htm file with the same name.
It also needs to do a 301 redirect for anyone visiting any page on a certain domain (using same webspace). If that makes sense...

This is what I have so far:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.htm$ $1.php [L]

Which changes .php to .htm

And I've been trying to use:

RewriteCond  %{SERVER_NAME}  ^*example.co.uk*
RewriteRule  ^/$                 [url]http://www.anotherexample.co.uk/[/url] [L]

But it doesn't really work..

Any help would really be appreciated.


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