Hello! I found that Windows Xp accepts incaming calls and i like to use it to connect my home comp. to the office one. I mean i would like to sit in office, call my pc at home by dialup modem, make it answere and let me see the home network.
I did already have make it answere and (after creating an account) the remote PC connects but we don't see each other. Someone told me to give to the Server PC and to the client, as gateway and as subnet. Can anyone help me with a basic "step by step" procedure in order to reach my goal?
Also...if we make it work...and if i install a software "web server emulator" can the remote PC see my home page just writing my IP in the browser as it already happen in my little 2 PC RJ45 home LAN?
I have Windows Xp professional build 2600
The remote has WinXp Home edition.
I have a ethernet Ne2000 something... and both PC has a 56 K dialup modem.

Thanx a lot !!!!!!

just so u know, with the computer has a broad band connection, then you can create a vpn server on it, and access it via vpn from your office...

You still have to enable file sharing and share files on each machine before they'll see each other.

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