tiger86 16 Posting Pro

Just to quickly cover what Open ID is for the folks who do not know what it is. Open ID uses your fingerprint as your log-in for every single Website. I know it sounds great in theory but if you put it into action it will be a complete nightmare. I know many people still do not own a computer at their home due to how tight the times are so they use computers where ever they can find them. Well if Open ID is put into action someone could use a computer at let's say a library they just put their finger on the screen and their in! Nice.... WRONG! There are people in the world who would love to take your finger print off of your hands they are hackers and they could use this technology to steal your identity. It would be easy enough to poison computer cache used for the public so anyone who used them would have their Identity stolen and then they can commit as many crimes as they want as you on the internet and you get blamed and put in jail. I have to say that Tim-Berners Lee and his team has over-looked a lot of endless possibilities for scammers when this is open for every computer. Another possibility is that you could go to a scam website after logging on through a legit Open ID computer well the Scam Web site could set it up so it would steal the cache where your finger print is and tada no more cookie grabbers finger grabbers!

quick word guide for people who aren't tech savvy (poisoning computers means it makes it so a hacker can "poison" certain information that the computer relies on so they get all the info they need to steal your identity.) Cookie Grabbers ( scam Websites or also known as "phishing Websites" use cookie grabbers to steal the passwords you have entered on the internet. Finger Grabbers (I just made that up but it is the same concept as a Cookie Grabber except it steals your finger print and therefore you lose your Identity.)

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