aboyd 1 Junior Poster in Training

I work with a server admin. He created an account on MySQL and it works just fine. I created another account to access a different database, but it will not work. Can anyone tell me why? I've done "FLUSH PRIVILEGES" about a million times now. Here is the MySQL user table (password field munged a bit to protect the innocent):

Host   User     Password                                  SELECT INSERT UPDATE DELETE
     mt_user   760a91110aaa0d06                           N      N      N      N
     webserver *C7AF0C4A05EEE463D5D728333C22972498888889  Y      Y      Y      Y

And here is the MySQL db table:

Host   DB          User                             SELECT INSERT UPDATE DELETE
%     mt_tables   mt_user                           Y      Y      Y      Y
%     share_data  webserver                         Y      Y      Y      Y

Does anyone see anything in that? Can anyone suggest other reasons why I might be able to connect with one login string, but not the other? Also, an important note: both accounts work if I telnet in and login to MySQL from the command line. But with PHP, only the "mt_user" account works.
