I'm trying to make multiplication in web shop that will show real price:

discount * tax * product price * 1 piece= real price

But I just don't know how to do it, I try 1 million things, spend about 48h just to make it, but, without success, no matter that is not surprising, I'm not a PRO. I hope someone will help me to finally finish this.

My tables names:

Table "Products" - Structure "Product_price" // That is Product price (it's normal number)

Table " _config" / Param "tax" // That is Tax (it's percent (%))

Table " Products" / Structure "Product_discount" // That is Discount (it's percent (%))

My Product page code:

     class Produto {
        var $serie;
        var $codigo;
        var $descricao;
        var $emb;
        var $umv;
        var $preco;
        var $pagina;
        var $obs;

        /** CONSTRUCTOR **/
        function Produto($serie, $codigo, $descricao, $emb, $umv, $preco, $pagina='', $desconto, $obs='') {
          $this->serie = $serie;
          $this->codigo = $codigo;
          $this->descricao = $descricao;
          $this->emb = $emb;
          $this->umv = $umv;
          $this->preco = $preco;
          $this->obs = $obs;
          $this->pagina = $pagina;
          $this->desconto = $desconto;

        function setInfo($serie, $codigo, $descricao, $emb, $umv, $preco, $pagina='', $desconto, $obs='') {
          $this->serie = $serie;
          $this->codigo = $codigo;
          $this->descricao = $descricao;
          $this->emb = $emb;
          $this->umv = $umv;
          $this->preco = $preco;
          $this->obs = $obs;
          $this->pagina = $pagina;
          $this->desconto = $desconto;


     function ListarProducts($sql) {
       global $adb, $cfg, $_t;

        $count = $adb->Execute($sql);
          $results = $count->RecordCount();
        $offset = 0;
        if($results>$cfg['settings']['maxrecords']) {

        if(isset($_GET['offset'])) {
          $offset = $_GET['offset'];
        $self = basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
        if (strpos($self, "?") !== false) $self = reset(explode("?", $self));

          $next = $offset+$cfg['settings']['maxrecords'];
          $previous = $offset-$cfg['settings']['maxrecords'];

          $max = floor($results / $cfg['settings']['maxrecords'])*$cfg['settings']['maxrecords'];

            $q = '?cat='.$_GET['cat'].'&';
            $q = '?q='.urlencode($_GET['q']).'&';

          if($previous>=0) {
            $page = '<a href="'.$self.$q.'offset=0" border="0">'.$_t['button_product_arrowprevious'].'</a>&nbsp;';
            $page .= '<a href="'.$self.$q.'offset='.$previous.'" border="0">'.$_t['button_product_previous'].'</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; ';

          if($next<=$max) {
          $page .= '<a href="'.$self.$q.'offset='.$next.'" border="0">'.$_t['button_product_next'].'</a>&nbsp;';
          $page .= '<a href="'.$self.$q.'offset='.$max.'" border="0">'.$_t['button_product_arrownext'].'</a>';

        $tax = $adb->Execute("select param_value as tax from _esconfig where param like 'tax'")->fields['tax'];
        $rs = $adb->Execute($sql.' LIMIT '.$offset.' , '.$cfg['settings']['maxrecords']);

        if($rs->RecordCount()>0) {
          $odd = true;

          $prod = new Produto(null,

          $iter = 0;
          while(!$rs->EOF) {
              $row = "odd";
              $row = "even";


            $image_t = null;
            $image_n = null;

              $image_n = $prod->GetImage('n');
              $image_t = preg_replace('/-2/', '-1', $image_n);

            $obs = '';
                $obs = '<br><small><strong>'.$_t['label_product_obs'].': </strong>'.$prod->obs.'</small>';

            $lines .= '<tr id="main_'.$prod->serie.'" class="'.$row.'">'.
                      '<td onclick="ShowHide(\'sec_'.$prod->serie.'\')">'.$prod->codigo.'</td>'.
                      '<td class="galleryImg" onclick="ShowHide(\'sec_'.$prod->serie.'\')"><a href="'.$image_n.'" ><img src="'.$image_n.'" height="40" width="60"></a></td>'.
                      '<td id="naziv" onclick="ShowHide(\'sec_'.$prod->serie.'\')"><span class="nome_prod">'.$prod->descricao.'</span></td>'.
                      //'<td onclick="ShowHide(\'sec_'.$prod->serie.'\')" align="center">'.$prod->emb.'</td>'.
                      '<td onclick="ShowHide(\'sec_'.$prod->serie.'\')" align="center">'.$prod->umv.'</td>'.
                      '<td onclick="ShowHide(\'sec_'.$prod->serie.'\')" align="center">'.$prod->desconto.' %</td>'.
                      '<td onclick="ShowHide(\'sec_'.$prod->serie.'\')" align="center">'.$tax.' %</td>'.
                      '<td onclick="ShowHide(\'sec_'.$prod->serie.'\')" align="center">REAL PRICE SPACE</td>'.
                      '<td align="center"><form name="form_'.$prod->serie.'"action="folder/document.php" method="GET"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="additem"><input type="hidden" name="user" value="'.$_SESSION['siteusr']['userid'].'"><input type="hidden" name="prod" value="'.$prod->serie.'"><input type="text" size="2" name="add_'.$prod->serie.'" id="add_'.$prod->serie.'" class="cart_qtd" value="1"></td>'.
                      '<td onclick="ShowHide(\'sec_'.$prod->serie.'\')" align="center">'.number_format($prod->preco, 0, '.', ',').' дин.</td>'.
                      '<td><input onclick=\'addCartItem('.$prod->serie.', '.$_SESSION['siteusr']['userid'].', "'.$_GET['lang'].'"); return false;\' type="image" src="add.gif" alt="'.$_t['msg_product_addtocart'].'"></form></td>'.
            $lines .= '<tr id="sec_'.$prod->serie.'" style="display: none; visibility: hidden;" class="'.$row.'">'.
                      '<td class="galleryImg" colspan="3"><a href="'.$image_n.'" ><img src="'.$image_n.'" height="65" width="100"></a><br></td>'.
                      '<td colspan="6"><strong>'.$_t['label_product_obs'].': </strong>'.$prod->obs.'<br><strong>'.$_t['label_product_page'].': </strong>'.$prod->pagina.'</td>'.

            $odd = !$odd;

        $paging = '<table class="tablenav" border="0" width="100%">
                     <tr><td align="left">'.$_t['msg_product_found'].' '.$results.' '.$_t['msg_product_products'].'</td><td align="right">'.$page.

        $html = $paging.'<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0" class="ListProducts" width="100%">'.
        return $html;

You can see at line 136 there is space in table for calling functions "REAL PRICE SPACE".
I think SQL function can be something like this SELECT preco * (1-desconto/100.0) * (1-taxrate/100.0) AS total FROM Products but how to set that all?
Thanks in advance!

Do you need to do this in SQL, or is in PHP code good enough? If you have all variables, why query again?

I just need to make it work, but I do not know how to do it, do it in PHP or SQL does not matter, if you have any suggestions how this could work I would be grateful.

Use JOIN to get all field from 3 tables then calculate price
If use php farmework you must create new controler

Tell me which properties of $prod are used in the equasion.

I think $prod function is:

      $prod = new Produto(null,

Given that php create table as a list of products, I think that shows every product separately.
Specifically $prod functions that need to put in equation is:
$prod->preco * $prod->desconto * $tax
I'm not sure I understand what you asked me, because that I wrote a few things.
Sorry but my English is poor, I hope I understand what you ask.

Use JOIN to get all field from 3 tables then calculate price
If use php farmework you must create new controler

My knowledge of mysql and function JOIN is poor, but I will try something, if I make something I will post here.

$prod->preco * $prod->desconto * $tax

Did you try that to see what result it gave?

Did you try that to see what result it gave?

Based on your suggestions I have tried several things:

  • To add this '$prod->preco * $prod->desconto * $tax' on line 136 where is REAL PRICE SPACE, but after that change when I try to open page, and page was blank. Function display_errors is on, but it doesn't appears any mistake although page was blank.
  • To add this $prod->preco * $prod->desconto * $tax on line 136 where is REAL PRICE SPACE, but $prod->preco * $prod->desconto * $tax appears like text without any function.
  • To add this '$prod->preco' * '$prod->desconto' * '$tax' on line 136 where is REAL PRICE SPACE, but after that change when I try to open page, and page was blank. Function display_errors is on, but it doesn't appears any mistake although page was blank.
  • To add this '$prod->preco * desconto * $tax' on line 136 where is REAL PRICE SPACE, but after that change when I try to open page, and page was blank. Function display_errors is on, but it doesn't appears any mistake although page was blank.
  • To add this '.$prod->preco. * .$prod->desconto. * .$tax.' on line 136 where is REAL PRICE SPACE, but after that change when I try to open page, and page was blank. Function display_errors is on, but it doesn't appears any mistake although page was blank.

I tried several more combinations but unfortunately all were unsuccessful.

'<td onclick="ShowHide(\'sec_'.$prod->serie.'\')" align="center">REAL PRICE SPACE</td>'.

'<td onclick="ShowHide(\'sec_' . $prod->serie . '\')" align="center">' . ($prod->preco * $prod->desconto * $tax) . '</td>' .
commented: Solved my problem. +0

Thank you very much. Now shows the number.
This is equations: . ($prod->preco * (1-$prod->desconto/100.0) * (1+$tax/100.0)) .
Thank you very much again.

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