puddin 0 Junior Poster in Training

Thanks so much

Can anyone please tell me. I have Mysql 4.0 my users are listed by auto increment not null

On the site I offer you a form to send a member a message you fill out the form. The form inputs are named = message from and user_id,

I created for that a second Table to hold all the messages where that is named = message from and user_id as I explained above, okay!

Your message goes to the mysql database and goes into the columns.

My Big Question is:

How now when a user comes on and is in their users sessions and on the page I have the users sessions username coming up and saying hello to the user -

Do I select the messages for that user from the other table -
By the users username.

I am so stressed I see other sites even this site has it, members send messages to each other it all works.

I am reading my head off I can't find what I need a lot is because I am new and I do not know the terminology. Your help will be treasured...
How do I program this to work??? Thanks, Puddin

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