Hi Folks,
I'm trying to pass a string between two different forms in ACCESS with code, and I'm having some difficulty tracking down the proper way to do this. Assistance in completing this task is greatly appreciated.. Thanks in advance! - Jordan

Here's what I want to accomplish:

Form 1: is a text input box.
Click a button to launch Form 2

Form 2:
Click a button to take text from several input boxes and concatenate in one variable, then pass (or store) the variable for retrevial in Form 1

Form 1:
Insert text from variable at cursor in text box..

Here's what I've got so far:
Form 1:

Option Explicit

'Open Form Code (built by Access)

Private Sub cmdCJAInsertHyperlink_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_cmdCJAInsertHyperlink_Click

    Dim stDocName As String
    Dim stLinkCriteria As String

    stDocName = "frmCJANewLink"
    DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_cmdCJAInsertHyperlink_Click
End Sub

Form 2:

Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdCJANewLink_Click()
'Define variables in Memory
Dim strLinkURL As String
Dim strLinkMouseOver As String
Dim strLinkTarget As String
Dim strLinkText As String
Dim strFinalLink As String
Dim strFinalLink As String

'Populate variables with form data
strLinkURL = Form_frmCJANewLink.txtCJAURL.Value
strLinkMouseOver = Form_frmCJANewLink.txtCJAMouseOver.Value
strLinkTarget = Form_frmCJANewLink.cboCJATarget.Value

'Build Final Link String
strFinalLink = "<a" & vbCrLf & _
"href=" & chr(34) & strLinkURL & chr(34) & vbCrLf & _
"target=" & chr(34) & strLinkTarget & chr(34) & vbCrLf & _
"onmouseover=" & chr(34) & chr(34) & "top.window.status='" & strLinkMouseOver & "'; return true" & chr(34) & chr(34) & vbCrLf & _
"onmouseout=" & chr(34) & chr(34) & "top.window.status=''; return true" & chr(34) & chr(34) & ">" & strLinkText & "</a>"

'Close Form Code (built by Access)
On Error GoTo Err_cmdCJANewLink_Click


    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_cmdCJANewLink_Click
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCJACancel_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdCJACancel_Click


    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_cmdCJACancel_Click
End Sub

Here's one I made earlier! This may give you an idea of a different way of going about it.

Cheers Tony

Here's one I made earlier! This may give you an idea of a different way of going about it.
Cheers Tony

Thanks a bunch Tony, I've had a look at it this evening, and I'm still trying to make it work.. Is it possible for me to use this method to transfer the contents of a variable? I've tried doing this with no result..

Also, if anyone has any thoughts about how I'd paste the resulting text (from a variable) at the cursor, I'd muchly appreciate..

(I've done away with your WITH statement, because I only want to transfer the variable containing the concatenated text. )

frmCJAJournaL.txtCJALinkTest.Text = strFinalLink

On the original form, I've tried to drop it into a text box and a message box with no result and I'm really not sure how to handle this..

Your thoughts are appreciated.

Thanks again, and sorry for the late reply, I've been out of town working, and haven't been checking email!


Modify this line As shown below and it passes the variable contents....

.addrb1 = strDocName

I am not sure what you mean?
>>>how I'd paste the resulting text (from a variable) at the cursor<<<

do you mean paste the contents of the clipboard? If you do, this is possible with code.

btw I only got your message this morning 20 November 2006, there appears to be a considerable delay on this web site for sending out messages! thought you should know.

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