So im making a simple RPG using c# and xna. For collision, i am using a text file that contains data about whether a tile is passable or not. I iterate through them and create rectangles based on the position of the 'bad' tile in the text file. I then used these rectangles for collision detectiong.

Now, I can easily check whether or not the player is collision with these 'bad' tiles by using the 'Intersection()' method of the Rectangle type. What I am struggling with however, is what do I do once the collision is detected.

So far, I am creating a tmp Rectangle 'checkBounds' this has the players rectangle info in, however I add the players doirection velocity to it, check if the checkBounds rectangle intersects the 'bad' tiles rectangle. If it does, I do nothing, if it dosent, I set the players rectangle coor's to the checkBounds coor. Here is the code:

public const int PLAYER_WIDTH = 30; // Sets the player tile width.
public const int PLAYER_HEIGHT = 60; // Sets the player tile height.
public Rectangle playerBounds = new Rectangle(360, 250, PLAYER_WIDTH, PLAYER_HEIGHT); // Sets the players initial bounds
public Rectangle futurePos;

// Which way is the player facing?
public enum Direction

Direction dirUp = Direction.Up;
Direction dirDown = Direction.Down;
Direction dirLeft = Direction.Left;
Direction dirRight = Direction.Right;

public Player()
    futurePos = new Rectangle(playerBounds.X, playerBounds.Y, PLAYER_WIDTH, PLAYER_HEIGHT);

public void Update(Player player, Core core, Camera camera)
    // Gets an array list of possible key inputs.
    Keys[] keys = Keyboard.GetState().GetPressedKeys();

    if(keys != null && keys.Length > 0){

        if (keys[0] == Keys.Up)
            // Up arrow pressed, move player up.
            CalcCollision(player, core, dirUp);
        else if (keys[0] == Keys.Down)
            // Down arrow pressed, move player down.
            CalcCollision(player, core, dirDown);
        else if (keys[0] == Keys.Left)
            // Left arrow pressed, move player left.
            CalcCollision(player, core, dirLeft);
        else if (keys[0] == Keys.Right)
            // Right arrow pressed, move player right.
                    CalcCollision(player, core, dirRight);


private void CalcCollision(Player player, Core core, Direction dir)
    //Rectangle futurePos = new Rectangle(player.playerBounds.X, player.playerBounds.Y, PLAYER_WIDTH, PLAYER_HEIGHT);

    if (dir == dirUp)
       futurePos.Y -= (int)player.playerVel.Z;
        CollisionResolve(player, core, dir);
    if (dir == dirDown)
        futurePos.Y += (int)player.playerVel.W;
        CollisionResolve(player, core, dir);
    if (dir == dirLeft)
        futurePos.X -= (int)player.playerVel.X;
        CollisionResolve(player, core, dir);
    if (dir == dirRight)
        futurePos.X += (int)player.playerVel.Y;
        CollisionResolve(player, core, dir);

private void CollisionResolve(Player player, Core core, Direction dir)
    int width = core.collisionMap.GetLength(1);
    int height = core.collisionMap.GetLength(0);

    for(int y = 0; y < height; y++)
       for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
            if (futurePos.Intersects(core.collisionMap[y, x]))

                // Players future position will intersect a bad tile, dont change players position vector.
                // Players future position will not intersect a bad tile, chenge players position vector.
                if (dir == dirUp || dir == dirDown)
                    player.playerBounds.Y = futurePos.Y;

                else if (dir == dirLeft || dir == dirRight)
                    player.playerBounds.X = futurePos.X;

My point is, it dosent really work. That is, if I hold an arrow key long enough when colliding with a bad tile, the player just teleports to the other side of the bad tile. Why is this happening and how can I resolve it?

Any and all responses are welcome!

Solved this myself :)

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