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I am currently working with tkinter, opencv and Media Pipe Framework.I want to recognise all 21 positions of my hands with a JPG image file of myself (Here you can find more information about Mediapipe: https://google.github.io/mediapipe/solutions/holistic). With the help of Tkinter I can call up my picture and play it … | |
Hey guys im new here n i need some help uploading image in windows form with vb.net and i don't mean picture box Thnx in advance, its so urgent Software Development vb.net visual-basic | |
this is my sample code to create a student record using singly linked list queue. my problem is that I want to insert a student number in the struct but it doesn't repeat when I input the same student number. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct node { char No[12],Name[24],crsysr[10]; float … | |
Give the solution of the apthon exampsl prectical 1. Write a program to create a number converter that can convert numbers between binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal. E.g. i/p - Please Enter the base of your input number : 2 Please Enter Binary number : 1111 Please Enter Base for … | |
Microscopic Multiply We want to simulate a small square surface of an area with micro-organisms (like bacteria) and how they spread every cycle of life (iteration) on this surface. This surface is 2-D, its size is nxn and each 1x1 space forms a block. Each can be empty or hold … Software Development c++ | |
| I had button code to print data in data grid view on vb.net program. But when I click on print all times it show print preview lost first of record. this is my code Dim mRow As Integer = 0 Dim newpage As Boolean = True With dgvreciept Dim fmt … |
Hello ladies and gents, Chapter 3 exercise 3-1: [quote]Suppose we wish to find the median of a collection of values. Assume that the we have read some values so far, and that we have no idea how many values remain to be read. Prove that we cannot afford to discard … Software Development c++ | |
Please am new here and I need you guys help am trying to save a fingerprint template into my database (Sql server) but is not working, this is my code Dim fingerprint as Memory stream = new MemoryStream Template.serializ(fingerprint) fingerprint.position=0 Dim be as BinaryReader = new BinaryReader (fingerprint) Dim bytes() … Software Development asp.net java microsoft vb.net visual-basic | |
how can i rerun the program using 'y' and 'n'?? package com.company; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in); while (true) { System.out.print("Enter a number: "); int num = reader.nextInt(); if (num > 0) { String number = (num % … Software Development java | |
Hello, so I have a more complex class in another file, but I have duplicated my trouble on a simpler class which I will show to you. I am trying to base64 encode a path via cipher text, either a good idea or a bad idea. Anyway, I am noticing … Software Development asp.net c# encryption vb.net | |
In my workplace, we have an intranet website developed internally that we use for CRM. The data of our clients are shown there (MS SQL server is used as a backend to store data). The site has a limited search functionality at the moment (it'll try to match the text … | |
Generate a graph by forming an adjacency matrix with random numbers. The graph will have 10 nodes. The connections will be generated randomly with the following rules. • Each pair may have a connection with 60% probability. It means that the connection weight for a node pair will be 0 … Software Development c++ | |
I would like to have the user enter ctrl-z to end the program...can someone tell me how to insert this into the following program? [CODE]//Program to calculate greatest common denominator of two integers #include <iostream> using namespace std; int calcGCD(int, int); int main() { int a, b, res; cout <<"This … Software Development c++ | |
I'm using the ink picture control and I'm having trouble getting my code to work. The inkpicture control is used for tablet pcs when the user draws inside the control. I just want to be able to save it to a jpeg. I've been stuck on this for days :) … Software Development vb.net | |
So, I’m trying to capture and store wave height data and cache it in a file based on the fetch timestamp in local time. I have hit an error with the last section. Here is the error - d = sorted(data['hours'], key=lambda i: i['time']) TypeError: list indices must be integers … Software Development python | |
Hello, I’m working my way through a PDF file of the book ‘Assembly language step-by-step programming with DOS and Linux’ by Jeff Duntemann. The CD that accompanied the book included a DOS NASM Integrated Development Environment written in Borland Pascal titled ‘NASM-IDE’. I was able to find it on github, … | |
im trying to create and algorithm in python but i created it in C++ instead as i don't know python well enough i know it's easy and i can learn it in one day or two it's just the syntax but i don't have the time to learn python right … | |
...hello.. ...uhm...I am now working with a Student Profiling System...I already have the layout for my system..but with regards to its database, i'm still quite confused... ...another thing...i can't find the right resources for it.. ...could anyone please help me by sending a link where i can find guidelines for … Software Development visual-basic | |
class Employee: def __init__ (self, name, basic, house): self.name = name self.basic = basic self.house = house self.nhif = (2/100)* self.basic self.tax = (30/100) * self.basic def gross_income (self): return (self.basic + self.house) def total_deductions (self): total_deductions = (self.nhif + self.tax) return (self.total_deductions) def net_salary (self): net_salary = (self.gross_income - … Software Development python | |
Hi, i want to total the values in column9 in Patientdatagridview to a textbox1. here is my code but it displayes each value, not the total. e.g. if values are 200, 200, 200 then it should display 600 but here it says 0200200200 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal … Software Development vb.net | |
Not an ArrayList. An Array. For some reason, my teacher (or rather, the lesson plan we are using) requires that we make a program that takes an array of integers and removes all the zeroes. So far I have: [CODE] public void remove(int index) { for(int i = index; i … Software Development java | |
In need of some help with a programming project which reads text from one file and places it in a 2nd file, which will be identical to the first file with the exception of any string of two or more consecutive blanks being replaced by a single space/blank, eliminating extra … Software Development c++ | |
#include<conio.h> #include<cstdlib> #include<windows.h> using namespace std; oustrup"<<endl; cout<<"b) Dennis Ritchie"<<endl; cout<<"c) Ken Thompson"<<endl; cout<<"d) Brian Kernighan"<<endl; choice=getch(); if(choice=='A'||choice=='a'){ cout<<choice<<" is correct Answer"<<endl<<endl; st.marks++; } else{ cout<<choice<<" is incorrect Answer"<<endl; cout<<"The corrent answer is a"<<endl<<endl; } break; case 4: cout<<i+1<<") A language which has the capability to generate new data types … | |
Hello, I want to call the function from a python file. By googling, it looks like I need to use the following function. I added a "Sample.py" in the same place where the exe is stored for the c++ . int main() { Py_Initialize(); // Create some Python objects that … Software Development c++ python visual-studio | |
Hello everyone, I am writing a program that has a part where the user can type in notes, and I would like the program to insert the date and time into the beginning of the note. I have the time and date part figured out: [CODE] import datetime now = … Software Development python | |
(a) Create a class named LivestockProject with fields that hold a membership number, the name of the member, surname, date of birth, gender, location and initial number of livestock (cattle) turned in. Include a constructor that initializes each field to appropriate default values. Also include methods to set and get … Software Development c c++ java python visual-basic | |
Hi every1 i have a form with a textboxid, buttonAdd, ButtonSave on it , when i click on the btnAdd it must show the id and when i click update it must really Save . I want to auto generate the id through codes ... can any1 help... I don't … Software Development vb.net |
The End.