any pls help mo on How to load a filename on a LISTBOX.
also pls teach me that when i click on the filename loaded on the listbox
it will run,

i only need to load the names of my movieclips which is all (.avi)
then when click will play on a media player

pls help.... search and tried lot of ideas
none work :'(

well if you want to add the filenames on a listbox, you will have to make use of "FileSystemObject" you can define it as
dim Fsys(or any other name of the variable) as filesystemobject
once yopu have defined it, you can reference its features by
try it it has worked for me. And if you want I can send you the program I made to do the same thing. As far as playing a file in media player is concerned, you will have to give reference to media player in the program and place a media player control, which will be used to play the file.

Rajesh Khanna

any pls help mo on How to load a filename on a LISTBOX.
also pls teach me that when i click on the filename loaded on the listbox
it will run,

i only need to load the names of my movieclips which is all (.avi)
then when click will play on a media player

pls help.... search and tried lot of ideas
none work :'(


Rather than use a listbox, I would say use a FileListBox (shown in the toolbox as a piece of paper with lines across).
After you have added that in, go to the FileListBox's properties and you'll need to change Pattern to *.avi (it is currently *.* to show all files).

On form load you'd need to set it to look at a particular directory for example:

Private Sub Form_Load()
    File1.Path = "c:\movies"
End Sub

Then you'd need to make an onClick method for the FileListBox to load the file up when a file is clicked. You could make it on double click to make it harder to accidentally run one of the movies.

You could call the media player's executable file and pass the filename (including path) as an additional command (this is the way I'd do it personally).
Alternatively, there may be a way of just running the file and it loads the default application - unfortunately I don't how how this would be done though.

Hope that helps.

commented: good help +1

any pls help mo on How to load a filename on a LISTBOX.
also pls teach me that when i click on the filename loaded on the listbox
it will run,

i only need to load the names of my movieclips which is all (.avi)
then when click will play on a media player

pls help.... search and tried lot of ideas
none work :'(

though you can easily solve this prob using the standard file listbox intrinsic control , i'm attaching a sample code here that is capable in doing exactly what u want. it uses an ordinary listbox to collect the filenames and display them. also you can click an item into the listbox to play it in the media player.
in this sample i've used windows media player control (9 series) which in default not installed in every machine. the default one is windows media player 6.4 . so if u got any trouble on that plz forward ur problems. i'll solve them out.

see the screenshot also...



commented: great help! +1

Thx alot to all of u, before i read this post i was able to make a program that save's and load a video, but somehow i can only save the name into a URL format on a database, have no idea about that fileLIstBox. and sir choudhuryshouvi thx a lot on your sample file it really really help me and my group. one's i finished my prob(thats related to this) maybe ill start a new thread about that FileListBOx, Really thx ! :)

u r welcome
if there is any more problem tell me



That is a simple but excellent piece of code for beginners.

thanks for such an honorable comment.
thanks once again debasisdas


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