Hey all,

I've got this program where I have to translate a word from English to Pig Latin. I'm sorta on the brink but I'm missing something.

the test words are "ant" and "chair" but they should then turn to "ant-WAY" and "air-chay"

but i'm ending up with "ant-anAY" and "air-ChAY"

and even further I know that I'm kinda cheating on the chair translation because it definitely won't work with any other word that doesn't start with a vowel. Finally is someone enters a numeric value like 56 it should show "56-WAY".

I'm stuck...any help? Code below

Private Sub xTranslateButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles xTranslateButton.Click

        Dim strInput As String
        Dim str1stCharacter As String
        Dim strOutput As String
        Dim intStringLength As Integer

        strInput = Me.xEnterText.Text

        str1stCharacter = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(strInput, 1)

        If str1stCharacter = "A" Or str1stCharacter = "E" _
            Or str1stCharacter = "I" Or str1stCharacter = "O" _
            Or str1stCharacter = "U" Or str1stCharacter = "Y" Then

            strOutput = strInput & "-WAY"
            intStringLength = Len(strInput)
            strOutput = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(strInput, 3) _
                & "-" & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(strInput, 2) & "AY"
        End If
        Me.xAnswerLabel.Text = "The Pig Latin Translation of " & strInput & " is " & strOutput & "."
    End Sub

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okay, i've got the first part working but I've still got problems with the second part outlining words that start with cons.

here's the new code.

Private Sub xTranslateButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles xTranslateButton.Click

        Dim strInput As String
        Dim str1stCharacter As String
        Dim strOutput As String
        Dim intStringLength As Integer

        strInput = Me.xEnterText.Text

        str1stCharacter = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(strInput, 1)

        If str1stCharacter = "A" Or str1stCharacter = "E" _
            Or str1stCharacter = "I" Or str1stCharacter = "O" _
            Or str1stCharacter = "U" Or str1stCharacter = "Y" _
            Or str1stCharacter = "1" Or "2" Or "3" Or "4" Or "5" Or "6" Or "7" Or "8" Or "9" Or "0" Then

            strOutput = strInput & "-WAY"
        ElseIf str1stCharacter = "Q" Or "W" Or "R" Or "T" Or "P" Or "S" _
                Or "D" Or "F" Or "G" Or "H" Or "J" Or "K" Or "L" Or "Z" _
                Or "X" Or "C" Or "V" Or "B" Or "N" Or "M" Then
            intStringLength = Len(strInput)
            strOutput = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(strInput, 3) _
                & "-" & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(strInput, 2) & "AY"
        End If
        Me.xAnswerLabel.Text = "The Pig Latin Translation of " & strInput & " is " & strOutput & "."
    End Sub

Try this:
Dim strInput As String = ""
Dim str1stCharacter As String = ""
Dim strOutput As String = ""
Dim intStringLength As Integer = 0

strInput = Me.xEnterText.Text

str1stCharacter = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(strInput, 1)
Select Case str1stCharacter
Case "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "Y", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"
strOutput = strInput & "-WAY"
Case Else
intStringLength = Len(strInput)
strOutput = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(strInput, 3) _
& "-" & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(strInput, 2) & "AY"
End Select
Me.xAnswerLabel.Text = "The Pig Latin Translation of " & strInput & " is " & strOutput & "."
Exit Sub

Good Luck!

cool, working except with the word "ant" to "ant-way"

In the Select Case, change str1stCharacter to str1stCharacter.ToUpper.

Select Case str1stCharacter.ToUpper()

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