Hi, Iam trying to put username and password in some dat file(ADMIN.DAT)from changeLogin page and getting/retreiving username and password from another page from ADMIN.DAT file....
My problem is username and password details are getting stored in dat file in readable text format NOT IN BINARY..

Writing into file part is
dname = My.DataFile("ADMIN.DAT")
fnum = FreeFile
Open dname For Binary Access Write As #fnum
Put #fnum, , uname
Put #fnum, , pwd

Close #fnum

Reading from file part is
dname = My.DataFile("ADMIN.DAT")
fnum = FreeFile
Open dname For Binary Access Read As #fnum

Get #fnum, , uname
Get #fnum, , pwd

Close #fnum

Any suggestions plz...

I got the solution...
Since username and password are taken as string they cannot be stored in binary format in DAT file...
So i used Input and Output instead of Binary for file to open..

Writing into the file part is
dname = App.Path & "\ADMIN.DAT"
fnum = FreeFile
Open dname For Output Access Write As #fnum
Print #fnum, uname
Print #fnum, pwd
Close #fnum

Reading from the file part is
dname = App.Path & "\ADMIN.DAT"
fnum = FreeFile

Open dname For Input Access Read As #fnum
Input #fnum, uname
Input #fnum,pwd
close #fnum

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