hi guys,

I want to create a class called DoubleSubScriptedArray.this array should be able to take maybe a 3 by 5 array or 1 by 3.My program is giving me a problem when i try to overload the stream-insertion and stream-extraction operator.Below is my program pliz help me to get rid of thge errors:



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// class DoubleScriptedArray definition
class DoubleSubscriptedArray {

   friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &,const DoubleSubcriptedArray &);
   friend istream &operator>>( istream &, DoubleSubcriptedArray & );

   DoubleSubcriptedArray( int = 10, int = 10 );            
   DoubleSubcriptedArray( const DoubleSubcriptedArray & );   
	const DoubleSubscriptedArray &operator=( const DoubleSubscriptedArray &) 
	bool operator==( const DoubleSubcriptedArray & ) const; 

   bool operator!=( const DoubleSubscriptedArray &right)           
      return ! ( *this == right );

   } // end function operator!=
   int &operator()( int, int );   // lvalue
   const int &operator(int,int)const; //prototype for overloaded()
   static int getArrayCount(); 


   int rows;   // number of rows in array

   int columns;  // number of columns in array

   int *ptr;     // pointer to first element of array

   static int arraycount;

}; // end class DoubleScriptedArray

#include <iostream>

using std::ostrstream;

using std::istrstream;

using namespace std;

#include <iomanip>

using std::setw;

#include <cstdlib>

#include <new>

#include <cassert>

#include "DoubleSubscriptedArray.h"

int arrayCount = 0;

// constructor
DoubleSubcriptedArray::DoubleScriptedArray( int r, int c )
   rows = ( r > 0 ? r : 10 );

   columns = ( c > 0 ? c : 10 );

   ptr = new int[ rows * columns ]; 

   for ( int i = 0; i < rows * columns; i++ )
      ptr[ i ] = 0;  

} // end class DoubleScriptedArray constructor

// copy constructor
DoubleSubcriptedArray::DoubleSubcriptedArray( const DoubleSubcriptedArray &init )
   int init;
	rows = init.rows;

   columns = init.columns;

   ptr = new int[ rows * columns ];

   for ( int i = 0; i < rows * columns; i++ )
      ptr[ i ] = init.ptr[ i ];  

} // end class DoubleSubcriptedArray copy constructor


   delete [] ptr;


//definition for operator =
const DoubleSubscriptedArray &DoubleSubscriptedArray operator=(const DoubleSubscriptedArray &right)
	if(&right != this){
		if(rows != right.rows || columns != right.columns){
			delete [] ptr;

			rows = right.rows;

			columns = right.columns;

			prt = new int [rows * columns];

			assert (ptr != 0);


		for ( int a = 0; a < rows * columns; a++)
			ptr[a] = right.ptr [a];


	return *this;


// function operator== definition
bool DoubleSubcriptedArray::operator==( const DoubleSubcriptedArray &right ) const
   if ( rows != right.rows || columns != right.columns )
      return false;    

   for ( int i = 0; i < rows * columns; i++ )

      if ( ptr[ i ] != right.ptr[ i ] )
         return false;

	     return true;        

} // end function operator==

// overloaded subscript operator for non-const Arrays
// reference return creates an lvalue
int &DoubleSubcriptedArray::operator()( int d, int e )
   if ( !( d > 0 && e < rows ) )
      d = 0;

   if ( !( d > 0 && e < columns ) )
      e = 0;

   return ptr[ ( columns * d + e ) ]; 

} // end function operator()

// overloaded sububscript operator for const Arrays
// const reference return creates an rvalue
const int &DoubleSubcriptedArray::operator()( int d, int e ) const
   if ( !( d > 0 && e < rows ) )
      d = 0;

   if ( !( d > 0 && e < columns ) )
      e = 0;

   return ptr[ ( columns * d + e ) ]; 

} // end function operator()

//Return the number of Array objects instantiated
int DoubleSubscriptedArray::getarrayCount()
	return arrayCount;


// function operator>> definition
istream &operator>>( istream &input, DoubleSubcriptedArray &p )
   for ( int a = 0; a < p.rows * p.columns; a++ )
      input >> p.ptr[ a ];

   return input;

} // end function operator>>

// function operator<< definition
ostream &operator <<(ostream &output, const DoubleSubscriptedArray &p )
   for ( int i = 0; i < a.rows * a.columns; i++ ) {
      output << setw( 6 ) << a.ptr[ i ];

      if ( ( i + 1 ) % a.columns == 0 )
         output << endl;

   } // end for

   if ( i % a.columns != 0 )
      output << endl;

   return output; 

} // end function operator<<

#include <iostream>

using std::istream;

using std::ostream;

#include <ctime>

#include "DoubleSubscriptedArray.h"

int main() 
   // seed rand function
   srand( time( 0 ) );

   // create two arrays
  DoubleScriptedArray Pack1( 6, 7);

  DoubleScriptedArray Pack2( 8, 2);

   cout << "Uninitialized array \"Pack1\" is: \n" << Pack1 
        << "Uninitialized array \"Pack2\" is: \n" << Pack2;

   // initialize array "a" with random values (0-100)
   for ( int a = 0; a < 6; a++ )

	   for ( int b = 0; b < 7; b++ ){

		   output<<"Enter array elements : ";
    Pack2 = Pack1;

   output<< "\nInitialized array \"Pack1\" is now:\n" << Pack1
         << "Assigning Pack2 = Pack1:\n" << Pack2;

   // check if arrays are equal using overloaded ==
   if ( Pack1 == Pack2 )
      output<<"\"Pack1\" was found to be equal to \"Pack2\"\n";
      output<<"\"Pack1\" was found to be not equal to \"Pack2\"\n";

   // retrieve array element using overloaded operator()
   output<<"The element (2, 1) of array \"Pack1\" is: "
         <<Pack1( 2, 1 )<< endl;

   // change element of array using overloaded operator()
   Pack1( 2, 1 ) = -1;
    output<<"Changed element (2, 1) to -1: \n" << Pack1;

   // check if arrays are still equal
   if ( Pack1==Pack2 )
      output<<"\"Pack1\" was found to be equal to \"Pack2\"\n";
      output<<"\"Pack1\" was found to be Not equal to \"Pack2\"\n";

   return 0;

} // end main


Dave Sinkula commented: Use code tags. +0

>Below is my program pliz help me to get rid of thge errors
When you're getting errors, post them. I'm not going to cut and paste your code, compile it, and debug it just for you. That's a lot of work for very little gain.

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