freesoft_2000 9 Practically a Master Poster

Hi everyone,

I am currently trying to print even or odd pages only.
I have a frame which contains a jtextpane with some text in it that spans about ten pages and it also contains two buttons. One button if clicked prints out only even pages and the other button when clicked only prints odd pages. The thing is the program does not seem to work. I am using the printable interfce by the way.

I tried testing the pageIndex variable of the overided print function of the printable interface
as follows:

if(pageIndex%2 == 0)
print even

print even

The thing is that only the first page is being printed no matter how many pages i have whether i am printing even or odd pages only.

Can someone show me the correct way of printing even or odd pages using the printable interface the right way.

If it is of no inconvinience i hope someone can show a simple example of printing even or odd pages using the printable interface

Any help is greatly appreciated

Thank You

Your Sincerely

Richard West

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