squidd 0 Junior Poster

Basically, I want to check and see if a certain word or combination of letters and/or numbers is on a website using a winsock connection.

I can do this in delphi, but i cant seem to get the hang of it in VB6. I always get some sort of error. This is what i have so far(the receiving part that matters anyway):

Private Sub Winsock2_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim buffer As String, S As String, TmpData As String
buffer = Winsock2.GetData(TmpData, vbString)
    If InStr("abc123", buffer) > 0 Then

I get an error on the line: buffer = Winsock2.GetData(TmpData, vbString)

What do I need to have in the code to be able to check to see if the data I am looking for is there or not? Ive been struggling with this for about 4 days now.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

Thank you.

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