Awhile ago I wrote some functions to convert from isbn10 to isbn13, or from isbn13 to isbn10; and subsequently some function to validate isbn 10/13 numbers.

I thought I'd post them here to see what people think of them.


' Validates an ISBN13 number. If false, it's invalid, else if true, it's valid,
    Function bVerifySum13(ByRef s As String) As Boolean
        If Not (s Like "#############" And Mid(s, 1, 3) = "978") Then
            Return False
        End If
        Dim i As Integer = 30
        For j As Integer = 4 To 12 Step 2
            i += Convert.ToInt32(Mid(s, j - 1, 1)) + (3 * Convert.ToInt32(Mid(s, j, 1)))
        If Not (Mid(s, 13, 1) = ((10 - (i Mod 10)) Mod 10).ToString) Then
            Return False
        End If
        Return True
    End Function

    ' Conversion from ISBN13 to ISBN10
    Function sConvertN13toN10(ByRef s As String) As String
        sConvertN13toN10 = Mid(s, 4, 9)
        Dim i As Integer = 0
        For j As Integer = 10 To 2 Step -1
            i += (j * Convert.ToInt32(Mid(sConvertN13toN10, (10 - (j - 1)), 1)))
        If (i Mod 11) = 0 Then
            Return sConvertN13toN10 + "0"
        End If
        Dim iCount As Integer = 1
        Do Until ((i + iCount) Mod 11) = 0
            iCount += 1
        If iCount = 10 Then
            Return sConvertN13toN10 + "X"
        End If
        Return sConvertN13toN10 + iCount.ToString
    End Function

    ' Validates an ISBN10 number. If false, it's invalid, else if true, it's valid,
    Function bVerifySum10(ByRef s As String) As Boolean
        Dim i As Integer = 0
        For j = 10 To 2 Step -1
            i += ((Convert.ToInt32(Mid(s, (10 - (j - 1)), 1))) * j)
        If (i Mod 11) = 0 And Mid(s, 10, 1) = "0" Then
            Return True
        ElseIf Mid(s, 10, 1).ToUpper = "X" Then
            i += 10
            i += Convert.ToInt32(Mid(s, 10, 1))
        End If
        If Not ((i Mod 11) = 0) Then
            Return False
        End If
        Return True
    End Function

    ' Conversion from ISBN10 to ISBN13
    Function sConvertN10toN13(ByRef s As String) As String
        Dim i As Integer = 30
        sConvertN10toN13 = "978" + Mid(s, 1, 9)
        For j As Integer = 4 To 12 Step 2
            i += Convert.ToInt32(Mid(sConvertN10toN13, j - 1, 1)) + (3 * Convert.ToInt32(Mid(sConvertN10toN13, j, 1)))
        Return sConvertN10toN13 + ((10 - (i Mod 10)) Mod 10).ToString
    End Function

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