#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
int getRequest();
bool shouldDisplay ( int, double);
void outputLine ( int, const char*const, double);

int main ()
    ifstream inClientFile( "clients.txt", ios::in);
    if ( !inClientFile)
         cerr << " File could not be opened " << endl;
         exit (1);
         int request;
         int account ;
         char name [30];
         double balance;
    request = getRequest();
    while ( request !=END)
          switch (request)
                 case ZERO_BALANCE :
                      cout << " \nAccounts with zero balance : \n";
                 case CREDIT_BALANCE:
                      cout << " \nAccounts with credit balances : \n " ;
                 case DEBIT_BALANCE :
                      cout << " \nAccounts with debit balance :\n ";
                      }//end swtich
                 inClientFile >> account >> name >> balance;
                 while (!inClientFile.eof())
                       if ( shouldDisplay (request,balance))
                       outputLine (account,name,balance);
                       inClientFile >> account>> name>>balance;
                 request = getRequest();
                 cout << " End of run. " << endl;
                 return 0;
     int getRequest ()
         int request;
         cout << "\n Enter request " << endl
              << " 1 - List accounts with zero balances " << endl
              << " 2 - List accounts with credit balances " << endl
              << " 3 - List accounts with debit balances " << endl
              << " 4 - End of run " << fixed << showpoint;
                 cout << "\n ? " ;
                 cin >> request ;
             } while ( request < ZERO_BALANCE && request > END)
                 return request;
       bool shoudDisplay ( int type, double balance )
            if ( type == CREDIT_BALANCE && balance < 0 )
            return true ;
            if ( type == DEBIT_BALANCE && balance > 0 )
            return true ;
            if ( type == ZERO_BALANCE && balance == 0 ) 
            return true;
            return false;
        void outputLine ( int account, const char * const name,double balance)
             cout << left << setw (10 ) << accoutn << setw(10) << account << setw(13)<<name
             << setw(7) << setprecision(2)<< right << balance << endl;

I dont' know why it does not run
this is the mistake
6 F:\C++\Class\List account.cpp new types may not be defined in a return type

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Member Avatar for r.stiltskin

#include <fstream>
Proofread your code
for missing semicolons (at the end of the enum definition and several other places).

and spelling errors "accoutn" and "shoudDisplay"

after correct those stuuf, it successfully compiled. However, it does not run...

Member Avatar for r.stiltskin

after correct those stuuf, it successfully compiled. However, it does not run...

You don't seem to be trying very hard. It runs for me.

you don't know what I means, It successfully compiled. but it just closed the window when it runs

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