I am just learning how to use C++ and I am anxious to do so..

I need help with working with double selection if statements.

Here is what I am trying to accomplish with in my program:

If a client selects to travel to Japan he is charged a flat rate, however, if is qualified for a Bronze level membership he is eligible for 10% discount, a Silver level qualifies him for 15% discount.

If you notice from the code below you will see that my coding has a logical error. When I submit him as a Silver level (15% discount), well you can see that it does not change to the proper coding and calculations. Can someone please help me?

First, I have commented out sections (/* and */ with //) just to by pass and hasten my testing. I did not include my header file with this code.

Secondly, i have problems when the code gets to the if((ClientMembership=="Bronze..... etc. Again, the country and discount rate are joined together.

Thank you for any help given.

#include "Reservation.h"

Client::Client(string number)

//void Client::setClientNumber(string number)          {clientNumber = number;}
void Client::setClientName(string name)            {clientName = name;}
void Client::setClientAddress(string address)      {clientAddress = address;}
void Client::setClientState(string stateName)      {clientState = stateName;}
void Client::setClientPhone(string phone)          {clientPhone = phone;}
void Client::setClientPassport(string pass)        {clientPassport = pass;}
void Client::setClientMembership(string members)   {clientMembership = members;}
void Client::setClientDestination(string terminal) {clientDestination = terminal;}
void Client::setClientTripPrice(string price)      {clientTripPrice = price;}
void Client::setClientDiscount(string discount)    {clientDiscount = discount;}  

//string Client::getClientNumber()    {return clientNumber;}
string Client::getClientName()        {return clientName;}
string Client::getClientAddress()     {return clientAddress;}
string Client::getClientState()       {return clientState;}
string Client::getClientPhone()       {return clientPhone;}
string Client::getClientPassport()    {return clientPassport;}
string Client::getClientMembership()  {return clientMembership;}
string Client::getClientDestination() {return clientDestination;}
string Client::getClientTripPrice()   {return clientTripPrice;}
string Client::getClientDiscount()    {return clientDiscount;}

//member function
    void Client::displayForm()
    string input;

    cout<<"******************************************************* \n";
    cout<<"*****  R e s e r v a t i o n   S y s t e m      ***** \n";
    cout<<"******************************************************* \n\n";
    cout<<" Type one of the following options: \n\n";
    cout<<" --- New : Enter a new Reservation \n";
    cout<<" --- Exit : Exit the Reservation System \n\n";

/*  cout<<" Enter client's Name \t\t\t";
    getline(cin, input);

    cout<<" Enter client's Street Address: \t";
    getline(cin, input);

    cout<<" Enter client's State: \t\t\t";
    getline(cin, input);

    cout<<" Enter client's phone number: \t\t";
    getline(cin, input);

    cout<<" Does the client have a passport?  Y/N: ";
    getline(cin, input);

    cout<<" Membership Level: \n";
    cout<<"\t\t\t\t\t1. Bronze \n";
    cout<<"\t\t\t\t\t2. Silver \n";
    cout<<"\t\t\t\t\t3. Gold \n";
    cout<<"\t\t\t\t\t4. Platinum \n";
    cout<<" Enter client's Membership: \t\t";
    getline(cin, input);

    cout<<" Trip Destination: \n";
        cout<<"\t\t\t\t\t1. Italy \n";
        cout<<"\t\t\t\t\t2. France \n";
        cout<<"\t\t\t\t\t3. Japan \n";
        cout<<"\t\t\t\t\t4. South America \n";
    cout<<" Enter client's Destination: \t\t";
    getline(cin, input);


    void Client::displayClientInfo()
        cout<<"\n __________________________________________________ \n";
        cout<<"******         Reservation Receipt          ****** \n";
        cout<<"\n __________________________________________________ \n";
        cout<<" Client's Name: \t\t\t"<<getClientName()<<endl;
        cout<<" Client's Street Address: \t\t"<<getClientAddress()<<endl;
        cout<<" Client's State: \t\t\t"<<getClientState()<<endl;
        cout<<" Client's Phone Number: \t\t"<<getClientPhone()<<endl;
        cout<<" Client's Passport: \t\t\t"<<getClientPassport()<<endl;
        cout<<" Client's Membership: \t\t\t"<<getClientMembership()<<endl;
        cout<<" Client's Destination: \t\t\t"<<getClientDestination()<<endl;

        cout<<" \n";

            double clientDiscount;
            double clientTotalPrice;
            double result;

        if((clientMembership=="Bronze \n")||(clientMembership=="bronze \n"));

            cout<<"Client has Bronze therefore 10% discount off Total Price\n";
        if((clientDestination=="Japan \n")||(clientDestination=="japan \n"));
            clientDiscount = .90;
            clientTripPrice = 7113;
        result = clientTotalPrice * clientDiscount;
            cout<<" The price is a total of :    \n"<<result<<endl;

        if((clientMembership=="Bronze \n")||(clientMembership=="bronze \n"));

            cout<<"Client has Bronze therefore 15% discount off Total Price\n";
        if((clientDestination=="Japan \n")||(clientDestination=="japan \n"));
            clientDiscount = .85;
            clientTotalPrice = 7113;
        result = clientTotalPrice * clientDiscount;
            cout<<" The price is a total of :    "<<result<<endl;

        //goto ten;

/*      if((clientMembership=="Gold \n")||(clientMembership=="gold \n"));
            cout<<"Client has Gold Membership, therefore 20% discount off Total Price\n";
            discountMembershipPrice = .80;
        if((clientDestination=="Japan \n")||(clientDestination=="japan \n"));
            clientTotalPriceJapan = 7113;
            goto ten;

        if((clientMembership=="Platinum \n")||(clientMembership=="platinum \n"));
            cout<<"Client has Platinum Membership, therefore 25% discount off Total Price\n";
            discountMembershipPrice = .75;
        if((clientDestination=="Japan \n")||(clientDestination=="japan \n"));
            clientTotalPriceJapan = 7113;

            //result = clientTotalPrice * discountMembershipPrice;
            //cout<<" The price is a total of :    "<<result<<endl;



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All 2 Replies

Newbie or Old geek, announcements exist in the forum for a reason.

Let's just take one little bit and find some problems for you to fix

if((clientMembership=="Bronze \n")||(clientMembership=="bronze \n"));

cout<<"Client has Bronze therefore 15% discount off Total Price\n";
if((clientDestination=="Japan \n")||(clientDestination=="japan \n"));
clientDiscount = .85;
clientTotalPrice = 7113;
result = clientTotalPrice * clientDiscount;
cout<<" The price is a total of : "<<result<<endl;

clientMembership=="Bronze \n" Why the space and newline in the comparison target? You won't have a newline stored in the user's input. Just compare to the word you seek - "Bronze" if( ..... ); that says, "if this is true, do nothing, then go on to whatever comes next in the code. The semicolon following the if( ) statement is almost always not what you want.

If the next six lines after the first if( ) are to be the action when it's true, then those six lines must be enclosed in { }. Otherwise, once you get rid of that semicolon, only the output assignment will be a consequence of the if( ), the other statements will always execute. Same applies to the inner if( ).

You've got two blocks of code that test for Bronze status, and none for Silver.

That should keep you busy a while.

Also, please read the forum rules, especially where it pertains to using code tags.


your code goes here


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