Zermoth 0 Newbie Poster

Am trying to print a report and also save it to a snapshot.

The problem is that it runs off a query which works off two date fields (user entry).

When I run it, it asks for the date twice, there by eliminating my backup of the file.

There only two things I can think of doing, them being:

1 grabbing the date field and auto entering it in to the boxes

2 doing the snapshot and the writing the code to print it.

Any ideas how to do ether? Or better.

my code ---

Private Sub cmdVWLPrintOut_Click()
    DoCmd.OpenReport rptVWL
    FileMaker = FileDate & rptVWL & ".snp"
    DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, rptVWL, acFormatSNP, prtSnpLoc & FileMaker

End Sub
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