A bit vague I will try to be as descriptive as possible. Im making a program in Visual Basic my first one. And I want there to be 2 combo boxes and a Windows Media player Addon, Combo Box 1, I will select which TV Show I want to load and Combo Box 1 will get information from a Database. Depending on which show is selected in Combo Box 1 will affect what is Available in Combo Box 2, and this will also get information from a database but this is where im lost and dont know how to tell it to get information from X Database when Show X is selected without a Case statement I want it to be easier to update... As in able to update with JUST Modifying the Database,

Database 1 so far looks like
Column 1 Show Name Column 2 ShowID

I put a showID to try to use it to give a reference to which Database to load... It matches the name of the table the Shows epidode list is associated with

Database 2
Column 1 Is the name of the episode Column 2 is the Location of the movie to load into windows media player

I hope i was descriptive enough in my problem but... too be honost being my first program I wouldnt be surprised if I am completely wrong on what would make this program effective and not ANY HELP WHATSOEVER is appreciated. Even if it is to tell me im stupid and (Blank) would be a much better way to go about this type of program.

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Did you work out on that issue? Which database are you using? Post code if any. Source code must be wrap with bb code tags.
For example,

[CODE=VB.NET] ..... statements ... [/code]

Here is a code snippet to fetch data from the database. (MS-SQL Server database)

'Load data into combo1
    Dim adp as New  SqlDataAdapter("select ID1,Name1 from Table1","Data Source=.\....")
    Dim dt as New DataTable

First of all thank you VERY much for posting im gonna go through your code and see if I can figure anything out from it but what I have been working on all day so far is that

Dim strShowID As String

In the global Declaration, then I have a ComboBox that Displays Member called "Shows" and the Value Member is set to the "ShowID" Column which has the same name as the table that I setup for the Episodes List and I was thinking that I would test this out so if the selected show was... "scrubs" and the ShowID for that row is "scrubsEps" I wanted to test it and see if it shows in a msgbox so i added this code to the changeindex of combobox1

strShowID = ComboBox1.ValueMember()
        Call MsgBox(strShowID)

Edit: I see the code is how to get data into the combo box I just used the IDE for that by clicking it and choosing the sourse I dont think this will affect it in anyway but aint sure.

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