shuffy 0 Newbie Poster

Problem is,

The following code displaying the first node set out of results.

I want to display all the results. PLS help.

Private Sub cmdCallSoap_Click()

Dim objResults As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim objNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode

Dim pstrPhpURL As String 'This is your web URL name
Dim pStrFunction As String 'This is your web service name
Dim xmlstr As String 'Parse you parameter with XML string
'' On Error GoTo ErrH

Dim Serializer As SOAPSerializer
Dim Reader As SoapReader
Dim Connector As SOAPConnector
Dim dRtnStr As String
Dim i&

'''' pstrPhpURL = ""
'''' pStrFunction = "currency"
'''' xmlstr = "USD"

pstrPhpURL = ""
pStrFunction = "currency"
xmlstr = "GBP"

'''' pstrPhpURL = ""
'''' pStrFunction = "ConversionRate"
Set Connector = New HttpConnector
Connector.Property("EndPointURL") = pstrPhpURL

Connector.Property("SoapAction") = pStrFunction

Set Serializer = New SOAPSerializer
Serializer.Init Connector.InputStream

Serializer.StartEnvelope , , "UTF-8"
Serializer.StartElement pStrFunction, "", "", ""
Serializer.WriteString xmlstr

Set Reader = New SoapReader
Reader.Load Connector.OutputStream

'' Reader.BodyEntries.nextNode

'If Not Reader.RpcResult Is Nothing Then
dRtnStr = Reader.RpcResult.text

text.text = dRtnStr & vbCrLf

For Each objNode In objResults
'Debug.Print objNode.nodeValue
MsgBox objNode.nodeTypedValue
Next objNode

'The web service result will be stored in this variable
' dRtnStr = "Error"
' text.text = xmlstr
'End If


End Sub

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