Hi there,

I have an image that is split into lots of little images that when flipped through would effectively animate the character. :cool:

How would i go about playing through the images, i assume i would somehow map the image into a two-dimensional array and then just run through the required parts, how would i do this?


I assume there is a simple bitblt way of doing this :cool:

Are the images dynamically loaded or static (resource)? What image format are you using for the images?

Are the images dynamically loaded or static (resource)? What image format are you using for the images?

Loading from a .gif allthough i can easily convert it to .bmp or other formats to make it easier :mrgreen:

You want to load them into a one dimension array really as then each array index represents a frame of animation. This could be done using windows functions quite easily (BitBlt function and the WM_TIMER message are two things to research). Curiously the win32 function LoadImage can take either bmps or gifs take your pick!

You want to load them into a one dimension array really as then each array index represents a frame of animation. This could be done using windows functions quite easily (BitBlt function and the WM_TIMER message are two things to research). Curiously the win32 function LoadImage can take either bmps or gifs take your pick!

Cheers :) Out of curiosity is there any kind of resource like the php.net of the win32 API :p I'm always looking to find new functions :D

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